Firmware v3.50.40 Bad telnet command!
in AMX Hardware
Someone tried to start spy from telnet? My controller after this command hangs (AxLink, RS232, Drop TCP session).
Reboot helps. But!
Reboot helps. But!
which command are you speaking of?
I?m not sure why Kim says it?s a bad command, I?m pretty sure it?s just a tool.
I just tried it on a master and got the 'unknown command' result. It must be on newer firmware or something.
When I run it here with a NI-3100 running v3.5.430 it drops it's TCP connection to the touch panel. Haven't got any RS-232 or AxLink devices attached to this one at the moment so I can't confirm whether they drop as well.
This is a sample output:
For the average NetLinx programmer, spy is of no use.
It still drops connection when the box is empty (no code).
I find the manager of resources or the spy, the interesting utility. Especially in those cases when АМХ hangs and leads the life that happens... But developers АМХ consider have not worked having written a new code to write to it instructions, with the description of all processes and for what they answer... And the controller all the same hangs after a call of this command. The bulb the status burns constantly does not blink...