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Firmware v3.50.40 Bad telnet command!

KimKim Posts: 52
Someone tried to start spy from telnet? My controller after this command hangs (AxLink, RS232, Drop TCP session).
Reboot helps. But!


  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    Kim wrote: »
    Someone tried to start spy from telnet? My controller after this command hangs (AxLink, RS232, Drop TCP session).
    Reboot helps. But!


    which command are you speaking of?
  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    ericmedley wrote: »

    which command are you speaking of?
    Telnet into an NI-x master and issue the command spy from the prompt. I believe it?s an undocumented AMX diagnostic tool. I?ve never been able to find out anything about it (other than it exists) so I don?t know how to interpret the results.

    I?m not sure why Kim says it?s a bad command, I?m pretty sure it?s just a tool.
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    Joe Hebert wrote: »
    Telnet into an NI-x master and issue the command spy from the prompt. I believe it?s an undocumented AMX diagnostic tool. I?ve never been able to find out anything about it (other than it exists) so I don?t know how to interpret the results.

    I?m not sure why Kim says it?s a bad command, I?m pretty sure it?s just a tool.

    I just tried it on a master and got the 'unknown command' result. It must be on newer firmware or something.
  • PhreaKPhreaK Posts: 966
    It's documented, just use the help command from telnet.

    When I run it here with a NI-3100 running v3.5.430 it drops it's TCP connection to the touch panel. Haven't got any RS-232 or AxLink devices attached to this one at the moment so I can't confirm whether they drop as well.
  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    PhreaK wrote: »
    It's documented, just use the help command from telnet.
    Correct, the command is there. I?m talking about a doc that explains its usage and how to interpret the results.
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    That's my problem. I'm on an NI 3000 with older firmware. I knew of the command now that I think about. A tech support person asked me to type it. In UNIX theccommand is for listng all logged in users. Perhaps it's the same thing.
  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    ericmedley wrote: »
    In UNIX theccommand is for listng all logged in users. Perhaps it's the same thing.
    Not exactly. :)

    This is a sample output:
    Spy Diagnostic
    Report frequency = 10 seconds
    Interrupt clock frequency = 100 ticks per second
    To stop call 'spy stop'
        NAME         ENTRY       TID      PRI   total % (ticks)  delta % (ticks)
    ------------ ------------ ----------  ---   ---------------  ---------------
    tExcTask     0x3a1314     0x997c38      0     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tJobTask     0x3a222c     0xdd5a30      0     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tLogTask     logTask      0xdd8d88      0     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tNbioLog     0x3a3898     0xddc920      0     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tShell0      shellTask    0x1008ac8     1     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tWdbTask     wdbTask      0xff41b0      3     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tSpyTask     spyComTask   0x1da0a50     5     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tErfTask     0x2b0ef4     0xde0340     10     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    ti2cTxTask   i2cTxTask    0xda0260     50     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    ti2cRxTask   i2cRxTask    0xda2510     50     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tNetTask     netTask      0xde8d60     50     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tXbdService  0x39ce7c     0x100c770    50     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tZeroConf-ht 0x241fa8     0x1bad668    50     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tFtpdTask    0x2ed0c      0xfedd10     55     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tSSHTelnetSv StartSSHTeln 0x1114260    55     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tTelnetSvr   StartTelnetS 0x112b6d8    55     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tDhcpcStateT 0x321be4     0xfe6db8     56     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tDhcpcReadTa dhcpcRead    0xfe9420     56     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tAxlinkRX    StartAxlinkR 0x10ef538    90     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tAxlinkTX    StartAxlinkT 0x10eb758    91     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tICSPIPTX    StartICSPIPT 0x10cc828    97     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tICSP232TX   StartICSP232 0x10d74c8    97     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tICSPIPRX    StartICSPIPR 0x10d0fd8    98     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tICSP232RX   StartICSP232 0x10dd9b8    98     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jReference H 0x12a924     0x1987318    98     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    ICSPTCP27    StartICSPTCP 0x1c4bc80    98     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    ICSPTCPRx27  StartICSPTCP 0x1d64b08    98     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    ICSPTCP31    StartICSPTCP 0x1d67e88    98     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    ICSPTCPRx31  StartICSPTCP 0x1c366e0    98     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tCypherConnR TaskCypherCo 0x1b63160    99     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tCypherI2CRx TaskI2CRx()  0x1b66f18    99     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tTffsPTask   flPollTask   0xde3ce8    100     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tConnectMgr  StartConnect 0x10ad928   100     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tIPConMgr    StartIPConne 0x10e1798   100     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tMsgDispatch StartMessage 0x10a49d8   101     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tConfMgr     StartConfigu 0x10e5578   101     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tRouteMgr    StartRouteMa 0x10b1708   102     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tNotifyMgr   StartNotific 0x10b54e8   102     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tMDNS        0x2367cc     0x1b99680   102     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tDeviceMgr   StartDeviceM 0x10ba658   104     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tDiagMgr     StartDiagnos 0x10a87b8   110     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tJVMLog      StartJVMLogT 0x1130db8   125     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jFinalizer   0x12a924     0x199bf18   127     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    Telnet33     StartTelnetS 0x1db6d98   190     0% (       1)    0% (       1)
    tIPConnect   StartIPConne 0x1bf5de0   200     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tSocketMan   StartSocketM 0x110e5e8   245     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tInterpreter StartInterpr 0x10c8078   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tJVMMgr      StartJVMThre 0x1140ea8   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tJvmSpndCkr  0x12a924     0x1969248   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jOscarDispat 0x12a924     0x1a54600   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jOscarPackag 0x12a924     0x1a70860   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jOscarStartL 0x12a924     0x1a87e78   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jTimerDaemon 0x12a924     0x1ae8918   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jSWROUTER    0x12a924     0x1afbf58   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jDA_DeviceAc 0x12a924     0x1b785e8   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jDDDProc     0x12a924     0x1bdbb48   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jDDDIPListen 0x12a924     0x1beff18   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jSessionScav 0x12a924     0x1c70480   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jThread_1    0x12a924     0x1cf7190   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jThread_4    0x12a924     0x1d35528   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jHTTPS_0     0x12a924     0x1d48b88   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jHTTPS_1     0x12a924     0x1d5beb8   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jHTTP_3      0x12a924     0x1dc7038   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jHTTP_5      0x12a924     0x1df4b88   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    KERNEL                                        0% (       1)    0% (       1)
    INTERRUPT                                     0% (       1)    0% (       1)
    IDLE                                         99% (     950)   99% (     950)
    TOTAL                                        99% (     954)   99% (     954)
    3 tasks were created.
    2 tasks were deleted.
        NAME         ENTRY       TID      PRI   total % (ticks)  delta % (ticks)
    ------------ ------------ ----------  ---   ---------------  ---------------
    tExcTask     0x3a1314     0x997c38      0     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tJobTask     0x3a222c     0xdd5a30      0     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tLogTask     logTask      0xdd8d88      0     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tNbioLog     0x3a3898     0xddc920      0     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tShell0      shellTask    0x1008ac8     1     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tWdbTask     wdbTask      0xff41b0      3     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tSpyTask     spyComTask   0x1da0a50     5     5% (     112)   10% (     112)
    tErfTask     0x2b0ef4     0xde0340     10     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    ti2cTxTask   i2cTxTask    0xda0260     50     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    ti2cRxTask   i2cRxTask    0xda2510     50     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tNetTask     netTask      0xde8d60     50     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tXbdService  0x39ce7c     0x100c770    50     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tZeroConf-ht 0x241fa8     0x1bad668    50     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tFtpdTask    0x2ed0c      0xfedd10     55     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tSSHTelnetSv StartSSHTeln 0x1114260    55     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tTelnetSvr   StartTelnetS 0x112b6d8    55     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tDhcpcStateT 0x321be4     0xfe6db8     56     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tDhcpcReadTa dhcpcRead    0xfe9420     56     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tAxlinkRX    StartAxlinkR 0x10ef538    90     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tAxlinkTX    StartAxlinkT 0x10eb758    91     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tICSPIPTX    StartICSPIPT 0x10cc828    97     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tICSP232TX   StartICSP232 0x10d74c8    97     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tICSPIPRX    StartICSPIPR 0x10d0fd8    98     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tICSP232RX   StartICSP232 0x10dd9b8    98     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jReference H 0x12a924     0x1987318    98     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    ICSPTCP27    StartICSPTCP 0x1c4bc80    98     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    ICSPTCPRx27  StartICSPTCP 0x1d64b08    98     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    ICSPTCP31    StartICSPTCP 0x1d67e88    98     0% (       1)    0% (       1)
    ICSPTCPRx31  StartICSPTCP 0x1c366e0    98     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tCypherConnR TaskCypherCo 0x1b63160    99     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tCypherI2CRx TaskI2CRx()  0x1b66f18    99     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tTffsPTask   flPollTask   0xde3ce8    100     0% (       1)    0% (       1)
    tConnectMgr  StartConnect 0x10ad928   100     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tIPConMgr    StartIPConne 0x10e1798   100     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tMsgDispatch StartMessage 0x10a49d8   101     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tConfMgr     StartConfigu 0x10e5578   101     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tRouteMgr    StartRouteMa 0x10b1708   102     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tNotifyMgr   StartNotific 0x10b54e8   102     0% (       1)    0% (       1)
    tMDNS        0x2367cc     0x1b99680   102     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tDeviceMgr   StartDeviceM 0x10ba658   104     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tDiagMgr     StartDiagnos 0x10a87b8   110     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tJVMLog      StartJVMLogT 0x1130db8   125     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jFinalizer   0x12a924     0x199bf18   127     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    Telnet33     StartTelnetS 0x1db6d98   190     0% (       1)    0% (       0)
    tIPConnect   StartIPConne 0x1bf5de0   200     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tSocketMan   StartSocketM 0x110e5e8   245     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tInterpreter StartInterpr 0x10c8078   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tJVMMgr      StartJVMThre 0x1140ea8   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tJvmSpndCkr  0x12a924     0x1969248   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jOscarDispat 0x12a924     0x1a54600   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jOscarPackag 0x12a924     0x1a70860   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jOscarStartL 0x12a924     0x1a87e78   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jTimerDaemon 0x12a924     0x1ae8918   250     0% (       1)    0% (       1)
    jSWROUTER    0x12a924     0x1afbf58   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jDA_DeviceAc 0x12a924     0x1b785e8   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jDDDProc     0x12a924     0x1bdbb48   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jDDDIPListen 0x12a924     0x1beff18   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jSessionScav 0x12a924     0x1c70480   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jThread_1    0x12a924     0x1cf7190   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jThread_4    0x12a924     0x1d35528   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jHTTPS_0     0x12a924     0x1d48b88   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jHTTPS_1     0x12a924     0x1d5beb8   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jHTTP_3      0x12a924     0x1dc7038   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jHTTP_5      0x12a924     0x1df4b88   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    KERNEL                                        0% (       1)    0% (       0)
    INTERRUPT                                     0% (       1)    0% (       0)
    IDLE                                         94% (    1899)   89% (     949)
    TOTAL                                        99% (    2019)   99% (    1065)
        NAME         ENTRY       TID      PRI   total % (ticks)  delta % (ticks)
    ------------ ------------ ----------  ---   ---------------  ---------------
    tExcTask     0x3a1314     0x997c38      0     0% (       1)    0% (       1)
    tJobTask     0x3a222c     0xdd5a30      0     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tLogTask     logTask      0xdd8d88      0     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tNbioLog     0x3a3898     0xddc920      0     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tShell0      shellTask    0x1008ac8     1     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tWdbTask     wdbTask      0xff41b0      3     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tSpyTask     spyComTask   0x1da0a50     5     7% (     224)   10% (     112)
    tErfTask     0x2b0ef4     0xde0340     10     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    ti2cTxTask   i2cTxTask    0xda0260     50     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    ti2cRxTask   i2cRxTask    0xda2510     50     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tNetTask     netTask      0xde8d60     50     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tXbdService  0x39ce7c     0x100c770    50     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tZeroConf-ht 0x241fa8     0x1bad668    50     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tFtpdTask    0x2ed0c      0xfedd10     55     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tSSHTelnetSv StartSSHTeln 0x1114260    55     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tTelnetSvr   StartTelnetS 0x112b6d8    55     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tDhcpcStateT 0x321be4     0xfe6db8     56     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tDhcpcReadTa dhcpcRead    0xfe9420     56     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tAxlinkRX    StartAxlinkR 0x10ef538    90     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tAxlinkTX    StartAxlinkT 0x10eb758    91     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tICSPIPTX    StartICSPIPT 0x10cc828    97     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tICSP232TX   StartICSP232 0x10d74c8    97     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tICSPIPRX    StartICSPIPR 0x10d0fd8    98     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tICSP232RX   StartICSP232 0x10dd9b8    98     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jReference H 0x12a924     0x1987318    98     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    ICSPTCP31    StartICSPTCP 0x1d67e88    98     0% (       1)    0% (       0)
    ICSPTCPRx31  StartICSPTCP 0x1c366e0    98     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    ICSPTCP27    StartICSPTCP 0x1c4bc80    98     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    ICSPTCPRx27  StartICSPTCP 0x1d64830    98     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tCypherConnR TaskCypherCo 0x1b63160    99     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tCypherI2CRx TaskI2CRx()  0x1b66f18    99     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tTffsPTask   flPollTask   0xde3ce8    100     0% (       1)    0% (       0)
    tConnectMgr  StartConnect 0x10ad928   100     0% (       1)    0% (       1)
    tIPConMgr    StartIPConne 0x10e1798   100     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tMsgDispatch StartMessage 0x10a49d8   101     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tConfMgr     StartConfigu 0x10e5578   101     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tRouteMgr    StartRouteMa 0x10b1708   102     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tNotifyMgr   StartNotific 0x10b54e8   102     0% (       1)    0% (       0)
    tMDNS        0x2367cc     0x1b99680   102     0% (       1)    0% (       1)
    tDeviceMgr   StartDeviceM 0x10ba658   104     0% (       2)    0% (       2)
    tDiagMgr     StartDiagnos 0x10a87b8   110     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tJVMLog      StartJVMLogT 0x1130db8   125     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jFinalizer   0x12a924     0x199bf18   127     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    Telnet33     StartTelnetS 0x1db6d98   190     0% (       1)    0% (       0)
    tIPConnect   StartIPConne 0x1bf5de0   200     0% (       1)    0% (       1)
    tSocketMan   StartSocketM 0x110e5e8   245     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tInterpreter StartInterpr 0x10c8078   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tJVMMgr      StartJVMThre 0x1140ea8   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    tJvmSpndCkr  0x12a924     0x1969248   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jOscarDispat 0x12a924     0x1a54600   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jOscarPackag 0x12a924     0x1a70860   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jOscarStartL 0x12a924     0x1a87e78   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jTimerDaemon 0x12a924     0x1ae8918   250     0% (       1)    0% (       0)
    jSWROUTER    0x12a924     0x1afbf58   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jDA_DeviceAc 0x12a924     0x1b785e8   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jDDDProc     0x12a924     0x1bdbb48   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jDDDIPListen 0x12a924     0x1beff18   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jSessionScav 0x12a924     0x1c70480   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jThread_1    0x12a924     0x1cf7190   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jThread_4    0x12a924     0x1d35528   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jHTTPS_0     0x12a924     0x1d48b88   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jHTTPS_1     0x12a924     0x1d5beb8   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jHTTP_3      0x12a924     0x1dc7038   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    jHTTP_5      0x12a924     0x1df4b88   250     0% (       0)    0% (       0)
    KERNEL                                        0% (       2)    0% (       1)
    INTERRUPT                                     0% (       2)    0% (       1)
    IDLE                                         92% (    2844)   88% (     945)
    TOTAL                                        99% (    3084)   98% (    1065)
    2 tasks were created.
    2 tasks were deleted.
  • spy is a VxWorks tool that was added in the more recent firmware releases. It is a diagnostic tool for tracking CPU usage per task. It is really only of use by AMX engineering...or possibly by Duet module writers...in trying to determine if a particular task is hogging the CPU. I don't have an explanation as to why panel connections would drop. I will say that the spy tool is in itself very CPU intensive. In its default mode it sucks 15% of the CPU. But beyond that, the tool itself should be innocuous. It does not affect the execution of the rest of the controllers firmware tasks...other than starving them of some CPU. I suppose if the system was already marginal and the tasks servicing the panel connection were starved, this could cause a panel to drop offline.

    For the average NetLinx programmer, spy is of no use.
  • PhreaKPhreaK Posts: 966
    I suppose if the system was already marginal and the tasks servicing the panel connection were starved, this could cause a panel to drop offline.

    It still drops connection when the box is empty (no code).
  • KimKim Posts: 52
    spy is a VxWorks tool that was added in the more recent firmware releases. It is a diagnostic tool for tracking CPU usage per task. It is really only of use by AMX engineering...or possibly by Duet module writers...in trying to determine if a particular task is hogging the CPU. I don't have an explanation as to why panel connections would drop. I will say that the spy tool is in itself very CPU intensive. In its default mode it sucks 15% of the CPU. But beyond that, the tool itself should be innocuous. It does not affect the execution of the rest of the controllers firmware tasks...other than starving them of some CPU. I suppose if the system was already marginal and the tasks servicing the panel connection were starved, this could cause a panel to drop offline.

    For the average NetLinx programmer, spy is of no use.

    I find the manager of resources or the spy, the interesting utility. Especially in those cases when АМХ hangs and leads the life that happens... But developers АМХ consider have not worked having written a new code to write to it instructions, with the description of all processes and for what they answer... And the controller all the same hangs after a call of this command. The bulb the status burns constantly does not blink...
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