How does this compile without error?

I just noticed this and I am wondering if this was causing me some problems?
The part I just saw is that in the WAIT_UNTIL, I am using the variable passed into the function. As far as I know, you cannot use stack_vars in waits. I think this may be causing me some issues, and I obviously meant to store the value in a global variable (nDevBeingRegistered), but I missed it. I am just surprised that the compiler didn't flip out.
define_function fnDoDevRegister(integer nDevIndex){ if(nDevIndex and (nDevIndex <= MAX_NUM_DEVS)){ if(fnConnect()){ if(!nProcID){ fnDoProcRegister(); } wait_until(nProcID){ nWaitingForResponse = 2; nDevBeingRegistered = nDevIndex; wait_until(bConnected){ bConnected = 0; SEND_STRING dvDevice, "'GET /webpage?X=',itoa(nProcID), '&D=',itoa(uDevData[nDevIndex].nDevNum), '&P=',itoa(uDevData[nDevIndex].nPortNum), '&S=',itoa(uDevData[nDevIndex].nSysNum), '&N=New', '&PC=',fnGetPC(),' HTTP/1.1',$0d,$0a" SEND_STRING dvDevice, "'Host: ',sServerAddress,$0d,$0a" SEND_STRING dvDevice, "'Authorization: Basic',$0d,$0a" SEND_STRING dvDevice, "$0d,$0a" } } } }else{ send_string 0,"'Invalid Device ID provided to Register Device'"; } }
The part I just saw is that in the WAIT_UNTIL, I am using the variable passed into the function. As far as I know, you cannot use stack_vars in waits. I think this may be causing me some issues, and I obviously meant to store the value in a global variable (nDevBeingRegistered), but I missed it. I am just surprised that the compiler didn't flip out.