I had tech support in Australia chasing this around for me a week or so ago. The answer is, unfortunately, no.
The ability to produce list box buttons in TPD4 on designs for panel types that don't support them is in my opinion a serious bug - I've wasted a fair amount of time trying to get them to work. While I note that AMX-PI for the R4 and the R4 manual programming section are the only places which provide any documentation of list box functionality outside of TPD4, the TPD4 help file doesn't seem to make any mention of which panel types support the functionality.
The ability to produce list box buttons in TPD4 on designs for panel types that don't support them is in my opinion a serious bug - I've wasted a fair amount of time trying to get them to work. While I note that AMX-PI for the R4 and the R4 manual programming section are the only places which provide any documentation of list box functionality outside of TPD4, the TPD4 help file doesn't seem to make any mention of which panel types support the functionality.