Color Wheel control
I wanna give a customer the possibility to controll his RGB-lightning levels in his showroom,
with a Color-Wheel on his TP.
I wanna put up a picture of a color wheel on the TP, and based on his touches on the picture, give out coordinates based on:
Distance from center (0-100), reffering to saturation value.
Position in the sircle (0-360), reffering to Hue.
My only problem is, that i don`t have any idea of how to do it...
Any suggestions.
I also thought it might be implemented in TPD4????
I wanna give a customer the possibility to controll his RGB-lightning levels in his showroom,
with a Color-Wheel on his TP.
I wanna put up a picture of a color wheel on the TP, and based on his touches on the picture, give out coordinates based on:
Distance from center (0-100), reffering to saturation value.
Position in the sircle (0-360), reffering to Hue.
My only problem is, that i don`t have any idea of how to do it...

Any suggestions.
I also thought it might be implemented in TPD4????
You indeed CAN change colors in TPD4 and in the panel on the fly - the problem is there that there's no way for it to report back to master so you can save the colors.
I think my code has a bug in it, but not entirely sure. Play around with this and in the mean time I'll need to look for potentially updated / fixed code. I just don't have time or a way to test out what I have.
It works with CUSTOM_EVENT, and the "standard" AMX colorpicker from the setup pages.
I really can't find the example code anymore, but I should be able to extract the needed information from my project module
That darn CUSTOM_EVENT . . . I alway forget about it.
Just goes to show, many different ways to skin a cat.
I'll give you a code snippet
like i said, I can't really post the particular code, since it's nested in a project...
I don`t know what i like the most....
This forum or Amx products
Thanks for the codes(James) and tips(All).
I will go for the Color Picker, and test it out, to see if it actually is that "easy"
I will tell, when it is out in the field working (or not).
Have a nice one all!!
So to speak...
haha, missed that completely the first time. Good one Kim!
Points go to Kim!
By the way!
This one is working, and has been for a long time now...
Just realised i promised to tell...
Thanks again, and a happy new year to you all!!