converting a string into ascii?
Can I do this? I am trying to take buffer text and send it to my touchpanel. My code is like this:
WARNING: Testing Presets.axs(125): C10571: Converting type [string] to [CHAR]
But that's exactly what I want to do in order to send this text to my touchpanel!
IF (FIND_STRING(sTPBuffer, 'KEYB-',1)) //If text entered from keyboard { REMOVE_STRING(sTPBuffer, 'KEYB-',1) IF (sTPBuffer>0) { //convert the buffer's data into a new variable of type string nParsedKeyboard = sTPBufferI'm getting an error stating:
WARNING: Testing Presets.axs(125): C10571: Converting type [string] to [CHAR]
But that's exactly what I want to do in order to send this text to my touchpanel!
Sorry, I figured it out. When I created the variable, which is a CHAR, I didn't specify a size. All better now.