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Old NI-3000 and Flash Card

I've bought an old NI-3000 controler. When I switch in on, the staus LED and the input LED lights permanently. Immediatly after power on, all the LEDs flashing from left to right and back.Then, after some seconds the output LED lights shortly and then all the LEDs flashing again from left to right and back. Then the status and inout KLED are still lighting permanently. On the back, the AxLink LED is also lighting permanently. There is an empty flash card extender on the controller. I put in a new empty, but formatted flash card, but this didn't change anything.

I'm not able to connect to the controller with NetLinx studio. So I assume it may be broken. I've experiance with newer controllers, like NI-2100, Ni-3100 and know how to set the DIP switches on the back and how to connect via a serial cable.

However: I'm not able to connect to this NI-3000 controller in any way. It does not respond on serial device and also not on ethernet.

Do I need a flash card and if so, how should I format it (tried with FAT). There is a VxWorks operating system running on the controler. What file system does it use? Am I able to format the flash card on a Linux? Or should the controller do this itself?

Any help would be apreciated.


  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    A blank flash won't work; it needs to have the firmware image for the master on it. You can't load that from the master. If you had a good one, you could image that, but otherwise have to send it to AMX.
  • Thanks for that answer. I've read some threads here and now it seems to be clear. The controller can't boot without an operating system.

    Now I've the problem, that I've access only to some newer NI-2100 or NI-4100 controllers. I assume copying the CF-card from one of these would not help. The firmware for NI-3000 is different. As far as I've seen, I have to order a new image file from AMX tech support. But I bought this used controller for myself and I've very low budget. So I'm asking, if someone here will send me a copy of a working CF-card for a NI-3000 controller?
  • yuriyuri Posts: 861
    I can e-mail you the backup of a NI-3000 flash card if you want :)
  • Yes please. E-Mail to a.theofilu@homecomfort.at.

    many thanks in advance.
  • yuriyuri Posts: 861
    done, have fun with it :)
  • uqlangeluqlangel Posts: 3
    I am having this same issue with a NI2000 that I just got from ebay from the US. I have some CF card images already from an NI3000 does anyone know if the NI3000 image will run on a NI2000?
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745

    I expect the 3000 card image should work in the 2000 but the serial number and device ID will be potentially a problem. Note this from telnet on my 3000. It's worth a try, it's not like you can hurt it now...

    I also have heard from those who have cloned the flash cards, it is difficult to get it right, the equivalent to boot sectors and signatures are not cloned completely by many tools.

    Welcome to NetLinx v2.32.148 Copyright AMX Corp. 1999-2004
    >show system

    Local devices for system #1 (This System)
    Device (ID)Model (ID)Mfg FWID Version
    00000 (00285)NI Master (00001)AMX Corp. 00296 v2.32.148
    (PID=0:OID=0) Serial='210502o3331065',0,0
    Physical Address=NeuronID 000495749601
    (00285)vxWorks Image (00001) 00297 v2.32.145
    (PID=0:OID=1) Serial=N/A
    (00285)BootROM (00001) 00298 v2.30.142
    (PID=0:OID=2) Serial=N/A
    (00256)AXLink I/F uContr(00001) 00270 v2.12.140
    (PID=0:OID=3) Serial=0000000000000000
  • uqlangeluqlangel Posts: 3
    I tried an image of the NI3000 but no go, but an image of a NI2000 which I managed to track down worked fine.

    All I use to do the image copying is DD from Terminal under Mac OS X.5
  • yuriyuri Posts: 861
    if you are using an old firmware, i think swapping ni-2000 and ni-3000 flashcards can be done...
    Anyhow, I still have a NI-2000 and NI-3000 flashcard backup sitting on my laptop :)
  • John GonzalesJohn Gonzales Posts: 609
    For those that need to copy an existing CF card, I've been using this: http://www.amxforums.com/showpost.php?p=41763&postcount=48

    It works pretty well and is easy to use.

  • feddxfeddx Posts: 183
    For those that need to copy an existing CF card, I've been using this: http://www.amxforums.com/showpost.php?p=41763&postcount=48

    It works pretty well and is easy to use.


    That works for doing a direct copy of one to another, but how do you get it to record an image and not to a logical drive?
  • gumpyounggumpyoung Posts: 3
    Can you send me the image for NI3000 please?Thank you very much!
    yuri wrote: »
    I can e-mail you the backup of a NI-3000 flash card if you want :)

    Hi Yuri

    I have got exactly the same problem on an old NI3000 as well.Can you send me the CF image for please?

    Thanks a lot.
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    I've had good success with the disk clone feature of WinHex on touch panel CFs. It will allow reads/writes to the physical drive as well as the logical, so non-native partitions are not a problem. You have to run it as administrator though, to get that option if in Vista.
  • dorandoran Posts: 1
    Note on CF Cards

    I followed the instructions listed in this thread. I tried about 8 different programs to make a copy of a NI 2000 CF card. Each program told me it was a successful copy but when I inserted it into the master, it would not boot, but the original card would boot. After many hours of trying, I finally decided to try a different CF card (an old one I had laying around). Cloned it, put it in the master and it booted right up.
    Thought maybe my experience may help someone save some time.
  • yuriyuri Posts: 861
    Good to hear it worked!
  • flash card copy and working well

    I got to clarify that this is not my personal discover I tooked from another user in the forums but it works

    you got to download this program:

    Raw copy


    once that you installed

    you need 2 card readers in order to use a good compact flash with the OS include (the firstone) and use it as a source to be copy pointing to a target (the second one) and pass the entire info to the newest compact flash just like that

    I try with an old 32 mb copiying the info from a new 512 mb compact flash and viceversa and it work totally in panels and controllers

    my best regards from Mexico City
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    doran wrote: »
    I followed the instructions listed in this thread. I tried about 8 different programs to make a copy of a NI 2000 CF card. Each program told me it was a successful copy but when I inserted it into the master, it would not boot, but the original card would boot. After many hours of trying, I finally decided to try a different CF card (an old one I had laying around). Cloned it, put it in the master and it booted right up.
    Thought maybe my experience may help someone save some time.

    I've had that happen a few times too ... the bottom line being it wasn't a bad firmware transfer so much as it was a bad CF card that failed during the transfer.
  • CF backup of ME-260
    yuri wrote: »
    I can e-mail you the backup of a NI-3000 flash card if you want :)

    Hi Yuri, would you have a backup of a ME-260 flash? Can you email it to me?

    Does anyone know if a ME-260 would accept a clone of a Ni-700 CF? I've got a couple of ME-260s without any CFs.

  • A NI-700 doesn't have a Compact Flash card, and if it did it wouldn't be compatible.
  • Flash Card Image Resource

    It seems like a lot of people are suffering from corrupt flash cards. It would really be great if there were a repository somewhere for images. In the mean time, does anyone have an image for an NXD-CV10 that they could send me?
  • NI-700 miniPCI slot
    A NI-700 doesn't have a Compact Flash card, and if it did it wouldn't be compatible.

    Yes, I realized this after opening my NI-700 after posting the reply. Why does the Ni-700 brochure state 16/32mb CF then?

    I noticed there is a empty miniPCI slot there. What is it used for? Can it accept a wireless miniPCI card to make the unit wifi enabled? :-)
  • The NI-700 says it has 16/32M Flash memory, but it is not compact flash. The miniPCI slot was never implemented.
  • m_hodel wrote: »
    It seems like a lot of people are suffering from corrupt flash cards. It would really be great if there were a repository somewhere for images.


  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    FYI - Using Paragon Hard Disk Manager is quite simple to use and saved us from having to order a new CF for an 8400. I haven't been able to take a 512MB card and reduce / "re-do" it to a 128MB card . . . but for the cost of the 512MB, it doesn't matter. $20 / pop and you got yourself a new card. Chances are though - it's something gone SNAFU that kills boot-up on a panel.

    I'm lucky to say that I've yet to see a CF card actually go bad an a master without something else being terribly wrong.

    And as far as an archive for blank cards - that would be such a violation of the terms of use.
  • yuriyuri Posts: 861
    You can get CF card replacements very easy...
    But for a quick fix I always have a NI-x000 and NI-x100 backup handy :)

    I've sent it to you jjames
  • jjames wrote: »
    And as far as an archive for blank cards - that would be such a violation of the terms of use.

    Probably. And I still agree that there should be a repository for card images. :)
  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    Probably. And I still agree that there should be a repository for card images. :)

    Me too. :D
  • ozgunozgun Posts: 13
    Hi Yuri

    Hi Yuri
    I have the same problem on an old NI3000 as well.Can you send me the CF image ?
    Thank you.
    e-mail adress : ozgunfidan@gmail.com
  • Hi,
    I've got a bad CF card in a NI 2000. Anyone have an image file that they could email me?
    Thanks in advance.
    email: aroberts@verizon.net
  • yuri wrote: »
    I can e-mail you the backup of a NI-3000 flash card if you want :)

    do you have for NI-2000 flash card
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