Sony evid100 module question
I was looking at the duet module documentation versus the sample workspace, and I got confused. Can someone tell me which is right? The .doc file states that I need to use 2 rs232 ports for these cameras - 1 to the camera for commands, and a 2nd for the feedback from the camera. However, the sample workspace only lists a single serial port in the define_device section. Anyone done one of these with the duet module with any success?
P.S. This is for the "normal" module
With the Sony module, or actually, an module that uses send_level, is there anything special I would need to do for the module to provide feedback on a changed level or channel, like focus or zoom? It seems like those are part of the basic structure of the module, but I'm not sure if I need to enable the passback feature or not. *shrug*