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Building a Dashboard

I am looking into building a dashboard for the integrated Solar Array at our customers house. I would like to store daily info on the NI (if this is a good place for it) to pull from to display Daily, monthly and yearly data. I am unsure of how to write data to a file on the NI and how to pull from it. I am searching the forums and manuals but do not know the keywords even Could someone point me in the right direction.


  • For the data collection might be better off using something like this


    You could then simply interface with it via IP and your dashboard might look something like this. Implementing Google powermeter is probabably a better solution to manage historical data, regardless you will want to ship that data off somewhere instead of maintaining it locally on the NI.
  • Found the keywords

    I found what I was looking for, but I understand that it would be a good idea to store the data else where.
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