Levels Sent from R4 Active Bargraphs
I have a system in which I use active bargraphs to control dimmers by touching the bargraph. I have been watching level changes in notifications from the port on which the levels are used. Occasionally the R4 seems to reset as I see all levels show up one after another, all at zero in notifications. Once in a great while, one of the levels (level 2) will send a value of 49 for no explanable reason while all the other send zero. Aside from this very occasional event, all else with the setup works well.
Any thoughts?
I have a system in which I use active bargraphs to control dimmers by touching the bargraph. I have been watching level changes in notifications from the port on which the levels are used. Occasionally the R4 seems to reset as I see all levels show up one after another, all at zero in notifications. Once in a great while, one of the levels (level 2) will send a value of 49 for no explanable reason while all the other send zero. Aside from this very occasional event, all else with the setup works well.
Any thoughts?
you should be using the r4 comm module as a buffer to regulate traffic.
i would think level events coud definetely cause problems.
Line 1 (20:24:35):: Level Value To [10002:3:28] - Level 1 Value= 0
Line 2 (20:24:35):: Level Value To [10002:3:28] - Level 2 Value= 49
Line 3 (20:24:35):: Level Value To [10002:3:28] - Level 3 Value= 0
Line 4 (20:24:35):: Level Value To [10002:3:28] - Level 4 Value= 0
Line 5 (20:24:35):: Level Value To [10002:3:28] - Level 5 Value= 0
Line 6 (20:24:35):: Level Value To [10002:3:28] - Level 6 Value= 0
Line 7 (20:24:35):: Level Value To [10002:3:28] - Level 7 Value= 0
Line 8 (20:24:35):: Level Value To [10002:3:28] - Level 8 Value= 0
Line 9 (20:24:35):: Level Value To [10002:3:28] - Level 9 Value= 0
Line 10 (20:24:35):: Level Value To [10002:3:28] - Level 10 Value= 0
Line 11 (20:24:35):: Level Value To [10002:3:28] - Level 11 Value= 0
Line 12 (20:24:35):: Level Value To [10002:3:28] - Level 12 Value= 0
Line 13 (20:24:35):: Level Value To [10002:3:28] - Level 13 Value= 0
Line 14 (20:24:35):: Level Value To [10002:3:28] - Level 14 Value= 0
Line 15 (20:24:35):: Level Value To [10002:3:28] - Level 15 Value= 0
That module significantly degrades performance of the R4, which is already a bit of a pig when it comes to response time. I only use it when I must. And frankly, that ought to be handled in the gateway firmware, we shouldn't have to worry about it. Of course, it isn't, and we do, but my point is I don't think it's best to simply use it all the time no matter what.
The newer ZigBee pro firmware allows more traffic than the original version that was in use at the time that the R4 queing module was released.
I was told by tech support that with ZB 3.0 the queueing module shouldn't be needed.
Agreed. Treat the R4 like a delicate object and it does fine without a queuing module.