i!-Schedule demo files
I'm trying to get familiar with i!-Schedule. Until today, I'd never looked at it.
I'd like to just load the various 'test' files that are part of the studio workspace and play with it....I learn best by example.
So, if anyone has looked at the example workspace....It's not clear to me what the difference is between the two touch panel devices is. you have:
dvTPa = 128:1:0 // TP Base Address
dvTPd = 131:1:0 // TP for Channels/Buttons
The only reference in the source file for dvTPd is at line 68 where its part of a DEV array.
dvTPa isn't referenced at all.
Is dvTPa the TP for setting, editing, etc. the various events? If so, I guess it is referenced directly from the i!-ScheduleMod module.
Is dvTPd supposed to be a TP whose channels, buttons, etc. are the items you intend to schedule?
Maybe I need another cup of coffee.....but the Using i!-Schedule doc doesn't seem to address deploying the code and TP files included with the app.
I'd like to just load the various 'test' files that are part of the studio workspace and play with it....I learn best by example.
So, if anyone has looked at the example workspace....It's not clear to me what the difference is between the two touch panel devices is. you have:
dvTPa = 128:1:0 // TP Base Address
dvTPd = 131:1:0 // TP for Channels/Buttons
The only reference in the source file for dvTPd is at line 68 where its part of a DEV array.
dvTPa isn't referenced at all.
Is dvTPa the TP for setting, editing, etc. the various events? If so, I guess it is referenced directly from the i!-ScheduleMod module.
Is dvTPd supposed to be a TP whose channels, buttons, etc. are the items you intend to schedule?
Maybe I need another cup of coffee.....but the Using i!-Schedule doc doesn't seem to address deploying the code and TP files included with the app.
Must be.
I don't see any source related to the TP file they provide. I was hoping to use that as the basis for a modified UI.
I guess i!-Schedule was created before they adopted the structure of putting all of the UI code in one module and leaving the device code (the scheduling 'engine' in this case) in a separate module.
I have a client who is asking for some Landmark-style configurability at runtime....
Thanks Dave.
I confirmed what was suggested earlier. The two TPs are just different ports on the same device.
The UI code is built into the i!-ScheduleMod; source is not available. i!-ScheduleEngineMod is just the scheduling engine for those who roll their own UI.
The different demo sources: i!-ScheduleModTest, i!-ScheduleModTest2, i!-ScheduleModTest3 are successively more complex examples of i!-Schedule use.