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Company Closed - Need a Partner or Job

The company I've worked for since 2007 has been forced to close the doors after 32 years. I currently live in the Columbus Ohio area and need an AMX dealer.

I'm and ACE certified programmer and AV technician. I've been asked by several former customers to continue to support their exisiting systems and do additional work as needed. My problem, is that without a dealer to be associated with, I can't use tech support or get an RA on equipment if repair is needed.

If you know of any dealers that I can partner or contract with - let me know. If you know anyone who's hiring an AMX programmer, I'll take that info too.

I have no problems with relocating for the right position.



  • Just wanted to say publicly that I hope your search goes well. Sorry to hear about your former employer going out of business.

  • Also, it would be good to talk to your AMX rep. They have contact with every AMX dealer in your area and would probably have an inside track on matching you up with a receptive dealer.
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    I don't know if looking for a partner is a good long term strategy as it seems AMX is hell bent on driving small firms out of their market so maybe you can find a large established commercial, institutional firm to work for that does some residential. It just isn't a good fit anymore for a "small" sole proprietorship or partnerships to deal AMX so think big. Even if the atmosphere around AMX was the way it used to be, being a small biz owner or partner will just destroy your life as you presently know it and you could probably make almost as much as an employee after factoring in all the other hours you'd be working w/o compensation.
  • knicholsknichols Posts: 14

    I appreciate all the responses, suggestions and sentiments.

    I have some contract work lined up for now. Hopefully that will keep me above water until more comes along or a job comes along.

  • John GonzalesJohn Gonzales Posts: 609
    vining wrote: »
    Now I'm the one bringing AMX to my customers who would otherwise not know or care who AMX is or what they have to offer.

    Same here!
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    On the other hand, my company is probably doing exactly what AMX had hoped for with these policies. As little as 6 months ago, I thought we were going to drop AMX ... we were certainly phasing it out, and selling a lot of alternative products, especially Universal for little systems, and Savant for bigger ones. Then the new AMX sales policies went through, and my bosses took a second look at whether they wanted to drop AMX altogether, or actually ramp up the sales. They chose the latter, and the job I am working on right now was meant to be a Savant system, but was re-tooled for AMX. Furthermore, things we used to get from third parties, like matrix switchers, we got from AMX as well, just to help meet the Gold level quota. We were on the fence, and the new policies pushed us over to the AMX side. It's as simple as that.

    No doubt, some bean counters somewhere decided they would make more money with companies like mine, enough to offset what they would lose from those who wouldn't make that kind of financial commitment. And we are not a big company ... less than a dozen employees. I'm not in a position to say whether it has paid off in the big picture or not. But, when it comes to companies the size of AMX's parent, those kind of numbers mean more than loyalty.
  • knicholsknichols Posts: 14

    I know the change in policy hurt the company I worked for (now out of business). They were already having trouble with the current economic situation, and then AMX (their number one control product) changed their pricing, charged for TS, and next thing you know - we lose even more jobs and the company goes under (after receiving a plaque from AMX in 2007 and been in business for 32 years).

    I had my wife make a call to the AMX rep in Illinois... told him she was looking for a local dealer in the Columbus Ohio area to support some AMX equipment that was already in the office space she was getting ready to lease. He told her he would send her two companies.

    He only sent one company name (starts w/A ends in L, has hyphen in the middle), offices in Cleveland Ohio (2.5 hrs away), and one of the larger AV companies. Makes me think AMX is steering business towards their larger buyers. I know for a fact there used to be several AMX dealers in Central Ohio. Are they no longer dealers? Are they too small for AMX to send business to anymore?

    I don't get it...

    I'm out of work - still trying to contract and support myself, previous customers, as well as other AMX systems, but to do it - I have to find a dealer who will work with me. Makes it tough.

    Maybe I should continue to work towards another control companies certification (starts with C) - seems like that is the future here in Central Ohio, because I sure don't have the cash to layout to become a Bronze or below level AMX dealer. (Unless one of you want to pay for it!!)

  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    vining wrote: »
    As far as the TS burden goes I still think that's a result of the "No Programming Requred" compaign that told new prospects they can use AMX Home, Cine Touch or VA. They created the situation that their complaining about and guys like me who called TS maybe 5 times in 5 years that write their own code are being labled the cause cuz we're small dealers, BS. It's the guys brought in to use programs from VA or CT that didn't put the time in through writing their own code and learn the gear while doing so that are to blame. So the way I look at it, your company is more to blame for the TS burden than mine. But of course your product is just a tool so it's the AMX gurus & reps that sold new dealers on this bill of goods that are to blame not the small companies themselves.
    Hear hear!
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,740

    "Look into this little red light...."


    By the way, it would seem that there OUGHT to be a private place dealers could air their minds like we WERE here, discussing pricing and such that should not be accessible to non-dealers.
  • John GonzalesJohn Gonzales Posts: 609
    This conversation degraded pretty quickly from a gentleman asking for assistance with employment to a something else entirely. Time will tell if the BS program will pan out. I personally doubt that it will have a positive effect in the long run. I also happen to agree with pretty much everything Vining has said, and I'm sure others that are footing the bill for this program in terms of reduced margin and additional costs feel similarly.

    Like any of the better qualified companies here, I believe that my vendors need me much more than I need them. Business is slow now, but that will change and vendors will be quite anxious to court us again, but will they have burned the bridge? While I choose to stay loyal to AMX, I'm not convinced that it will be reciprocated... that's not the message they're sending.
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    Oh for pity sakes...
  • John GonzalesJohn Gonzales Posts: 609
    ericmedley wrote: »
    Oh for pity sakes...

    Thanks to the "voodoo" it looks like you're talking to me now :p

    Kelvin, here are some links that might be helpful:

  • HedbergHedberg Posts: 671
    Help, help! I'm being repressed!
  • knicholsknichols Posts: 14

    I just want to thank again those of you who have offered suggestions, links, and even PM'd me with job opportunities. All of them are greatly appreciated. The power of the forum is great.

    I will live to post again - and will update how & where I end up.

    Y'all rock!

  • bwestlakebwestlake Posts: 82
    Use your assets

    Kelvin, I don't know how many customers are counting on you for support but, if they like you, this is a big asset. If you are inclined to start your own business find a partner who has the skills that you lack (we all lack some skills.) If you want to work for someone else you can use your support list to make yourself look attractive to potential employers.

    We are a small company (especially right now) but have not had a problem maintaining our "Gold" status. The product mix that AMX has along with high margins, quality, and great tech support has made this easier. I was initially upset when I heard the new policies but my AMX regional manager helped me understand why they were making this change. I'm glad that AMX wants to maintain quality dealers. The other control company uses threats and intimidation to make you sell their entire line. The quality of their dealer base is awful. And now you can buy C___ at Walmart, opps, I mean AVAD. With a little change in thinking, someday we may thank AMX for giving us the little push we all need to climb out of our rut and grow.
  • knicholsknichols Posts: 14
    New Job
    knichols wrote: »
    I just want to thank again those of you who have offered suggestions, links, and even PM'd me with job opportunities. All of them are greatly appreciated. The power of the forum is great.

    I will live to post again - and will update how & where I end up.

    Y'all rock!


    Managed to survive long enough to get hired on at a new company. Required moving to Tennessee - but so far so good.

  • Awesome!

    Congratulations Kelvin! Glad it's working out well for you, and thanks for taking the time to update us. Tenessee sounds like a great place to be. I wish you much success.

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