Shoretel and sip gateway?
we have a potential job coming up with shoretel phones(existing ip phones). The client wants a door station(I'm thinking the entry communicator), but they want to be able to carry a cordless phone and use it to release the front door when someone rings, as well as being able to use a 700vi to talk and release the door. Is this possible? We have done this from touchpanels, but not from a cordless ip phone yet. What other parts might I need to make this work? Thanks.
I have also been tasked with this. I`ve got a loan SIP gateway from AMX. I`m just trying to set it up now but so far dont really know where to start. Have you had any experience with this before? I`m not sure what type of programming will be invloved with it.
No, I haven't had the opportunity. We didn't quite make it to the bidding process yet on the job I was asking about, but I still do want to get to know the gateway. What equipment are you staring with? (Shortel model numbers, network equipment, that sort of thing) I would definitely recommend getting a hold of the network admin for the location you will be working in, and find out what codec types are being used. As I understand it, there are many different types, and not all versions are compatible with the SIP gateway.
No, I haven't had the opportunity. We didn't quite make it to the bidding process yet on the job I was asking about, but I still do want to get to know the gateway. What equipment are you staring with? (Shortel model numbers, network equipment, that sort of thing) I would definitely recommend getting a hold of the network admin for the location you will be working in, and find out what codec types are being used. As I understand it, there are many different types, and not all versions are compatible with the SIP gateway.
The Shoretel stuff we have, I dont know if this is right but its on the front of the Shoretel equipment.
There are 3 pieces, 2 x Shoregear 40/8 and one Shoregear E1.
If you find anymore info pass it on over!! haha