Momentary Feedback for serial device?
How can I create momentary feedback on a button by using the data_event section? I want to pulse the channel(basically) when the response from the dvd player comes back, confirming the command was received. I tried using a TO in define_program, but the compiler didn't like that. I don't want to fake it by just putting a TO in the push handler or by changing the touchpanel button's properties, either. I have an integer variable declared that changes when the data_event finds the corresponding string, and in define_program, the feedback turns the button on, but it's on until the next button press.
but that only works on button push/release
I don't understand the idea of momentary feedback based on a response from a device. To me, momentary feedback means if I hit play, I want that button to light up while I'm pressing it.
Waiting for a response before turning on the button is true feedback, and so I would call what you are describing as pulsed true feedback, but definitely not momentary feedback. And then I think, why not stick with the convention of keeping the button on until the device says it isn't playing anymore with a mutually exclusive set?