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SRC File With Password

sonnysonny Posts: 208
Anyone know if this is crackable? Dealer out of business and I'm taking over system, no source on site. I know some people like to protect their business, but this practice really ticks me off.



  • PhreaKPhreaK Posts: 966
    Hypothetically, if you had the rights to some code which you had placed on a box, then misplaced this original code you could extract the .src from the master (if it was transferred), change the extension to .zip (that's all it is) and use a zip password cracker such as those found with the assistance of google. This is all just hypothetical of course.
  • KennyKenny Posts: 209
    I spent $100 on a pwd cracker. It ran for a week and never unzipped the file.
    Ended up rewritting the code. Ended up better for me since the client had to pay for my time.
    Good luck.
  • truetrue Posts: 307
    If you have problems with the competitor, ...*ahem*someone*ahem* wrote a password revealer.
  • yuriyuri Posts: 861
    if you have difficulties with passwords on .TP4 files, I would suggest you take a look at the iRidium wizard, which extracts all the info from the TP4 file without asking for a password ;)

    Who has that password revealer? msg me! ;p
  • truetrue Posts: 307
    *ahem*someone*cough* has it. But it's not for the c ontrol system you are thinking of.
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