Metrau Entry Communicator
in AMX Hardware
I?d like to express my great concern about the trading future of the Metrau Entry Communicator because of too many problems that we have faced on this product. We have already installed a lot of them and most of our customers have moved legally against us. The reasons are:
1 . There is not any infrared light on the Metrau board to ensure that you can discern any person at night. If there is any lighting system installed on site, we switch on any light above the Metrau when someone press the button. Even with this way the light is never enough.
2 . We have not ever made the Metrau to work with excellent audio and video quality although we have used any suggested managed switches with QOS port configuration. Some times we cannot hear or see the person who is in front of the Metrau. Even when we have only one modero panel, one Metrau and one controlle plugged on the managed switch and with some piece of code having to do only with the intercom communication, the problem is there !!!
Of course we use the last firmwares for all the products. What is your experience lately ? We were waiting for a metrau firmware upgarde but there is not something yet...
1 . There is not any infrared light on the Metrau board to ensure that you can discern any person at night. If there is any lighting system installed on site, we switch on any light above the Metrau when someone press the button. Even with this way the light is never enough.
2 . We have not ever made the Metrau to work with excellent audio and video quality although we have used any suggested managed switches with QOS port configuration. Some times we cannot hear or see the person who is in front of the Metrau. Even when we have only one modero panel, one Metrau and one controlle plugged on the managed switch and with some piece of code having to do only with the intercom communication, the problem is there !!!
Of course we use the last firmwares for all the products. What is your experience lately ? We were waiting for a metrau firmware upgarde but there is not something yet...
I am very interested in hearing more on the Metreau devices; I am considering a few for an upcoming proposal and am leaning towards NOT using them due to the comments posted herein. Has anyone had good or excellent results with this hardware? Tricks for best implementation?
With the problems in light/lack of IR, I would look at using some white LEDs around the camera to illuminate people (turn on for 30 seconds or until door opens).
Now I hope everything will work out fine and my network config will make these things work as advertised but I'm not betting the farm on it and have these alternate provisions. So in my case I really hope at least the intercom portion of the device works properly so I can just spend another $2k on cameras (at my expense and there goes my TS money again) and at least make the customer happy and not look like a fool peddling crap at inflated prices.
I hope for the best but I'm ready to deal with the reality and the current apparent quality of these devices. Ya, know in all the posts about these things I don't recall even 1 positive post since they were released, that's not a very good endorsement! But for now I'll keep the faith and the hope alive.
It would go a long way if AMX put a video/webcast together showing someone putting each of their devices through it's paces showing the device working as promoted/sold. A short 5 minute video showing someone taking the device out of the box; installing the module in to a controller and uploading a demo TP file and watch it work. Maybe in this case, two TPs showing the "intercom" working between them and someone calling both TPs from the Metreau Entry Communicator.
With bated breath...maybe not.