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Cathy Browning - Tech Support

For those of you who have called tech support recently, you may have noticed that there's been a change of voices when your call is answered. Of the probably 300+ phone calls I've placed to tech support in my six years of dealing with AMX, if I had to guess, probably over 98% of the time I would hear "Tech support, this is Cathy" and I would guarantee that 99.9% percent of the time when I'd ask how she was doing, I'd always heard an enthusiastic "Fantastic!" I am also sure that her enthusiasm and warmth wasn't just shared with me, but with everyone who called - whether you felt it or not.

If you've wondered why you haven't heard Cathy in the recent months, I do have some unfortunate news. In February she was diagnosed with cancer of the lungs, spine, and several other places; although she is not doing well right now, she still has her always-amazingly-happy personality and positive attitude. I unfortunately do not know Cathy on a very personal level, however I can tell you that she is very dedicated to her God, kind to everyone and most definitely the warmest person you will ever meet - although in most of our cases – talk to. She put a great quote on her Facebook page that reads: "Life is too short to wake up with regrets. Love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones that don't. Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it. If it changes your life, let it." From what I know of Cathy and what I’ve been told about her from various people – I believes she lives by this, and comfortably accepts whatever comes her way with a strong shoulder. If Cathy could post right now, I would bet it would be something along the lines of “Oh don’t you worry about me, I’m good!” and would make an effort in spreading her happiness & strength with you.

Cathy has been a strong part of AMX for almost eleven years and although AMX has an amazing support system in place for her and the family, there can never be too much done for them. I have been part of the AMX community for the past six years and can tell you there is a sense of family here; as someone I talked to put it, there is an “it takes a village” mentality here. As some of you probably know, regardless of what kind of insurance you have, or support system you have in place - things like this take a heavy financial and emotional toll; and in times like these, there is no thoughtful act or donation that is too little. Prayers and thoughts will always be welcomed; and if you would like to help her and her family with a donation, a gift card or a “Get Well” card, please send it to:

Cathy Browning - Tech Support
3000 Research Drive
Richardson, TX 75082

I can promise you that they will be hand delivered to Cathy and her family, so you can be sure they won't get lost or mishandled. I will keep this thread updated with any news that I hear.

A member of our AMX family is in need of support, so I ask that after you read this at the very least please take a few seconds out of your time and either say a little prayer for her (if that’s your kind of thing) or send some good thoughts along her way.



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    a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    jjames wrote: »
    If you've wondered why you haven't heard Cathy in the recent months, I do have some unfortunate news. In February she was diagnosed with cancer of the lungs, spine, and several other places; although she is not doing well right now, she still has her always-amazingly-happy personality and positive attitude.

    Oh my God, that is just the most horrible news. I call TS all the time and have chatted with her on countless occasions. She is a dear soul who deserves far better. I hope and trust she is getting the best treatment money can buy and can recover quickly.

    I had missed her but was actually afraid to ask what had happened fearing the answer, as I knew something must be wrong since, like you mention, she answered the phone 98% of the time and probably didn't take a sick day in her life.

    Thanks for the update, I will send something to cheer her on. This is so upsetting, as it is so unfair for this to happen to such a sweet woman. She is so much more than an employee and I hope AMX realizes how good they have it when it comes to their TS staff.
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    ColzieColzie Posts: 470
    jjames wrote: »
    "Tech support, this is Cathy"

    Definitely a very familiar, and comforting, phrase. I, too, noticed she hadn't been answering.

    I wish her all the best.
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    glr-ftiglr-fti Posts: 286
    Good luck Cathy. I wish you well. I've been to that hell and back and you will too!
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    PyroGuyPyroGuy Posts: 121
    For Cathy...

    "This is Cathy" - one of those sounds you take for granted. We're a small company and I'm certainly not an expert programmer so when we have projects, there were usually a couple of calls to AMX. Being from Canada, Cathy and I would strike up the obligatory weather conversation - cold versus hot! I could FEEL the warmth through the phone line - even at minus 10 up here in January!

    From what jjames noted, I get the feeling that if anyone can beat this, on strength of willpower alone, it will be Cathy and she'll be back on the phone before we know it!

    Hang in there!

    DATA_EVENT [Forum]
    IF (data.text="Good News")
    Call 'Celebrate'
    Call 'Keep Fighting'

    This is one piece of code that I know won't compile but you still hit the compile button and hope for the best! PM me with mods and I'll edit as necessary! I think maybe a 'community code' would bring a smile!
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    KennyKenny Posts: 209
    I've known Cathy for many years. I think she started at AMX around 1998 or 1999. When I worked at AMX she was the Synergy Team coordinator. She was tough on us guys. She kept us inline and on target. But even when the team was dismantled she was bright and happy and always could find a silver lining.
    She always had a kind word. Her religious beliefs were always strong and unwavering. While I thought religion was for other people, she always found a way to work into a conversation because she knew I was a lost soul. While she never preached to me always made me feel like I should return to church.She was one the people that we called a Crazy Christian at AMX. This was a badge that she wore with honor.
    She gave me a foam craft cross once and I still have it today. Not sure why but it always seemed to be around.
    I knew she has been ill for a while but only recently learned how long and rough of a road she has infront of her.

    Count me in for helping the family get past the finacial needs so that they can help her get past this.

    I think she has at least two grand babies that she absolutely adores. Everytime I called in I would ask her the grandbabies were doing the answer was always "they are perfect of course". Just another ray of sunshine that she always seemed to have.

    Cathy,we miss you and look forward to hearing you say "AMX this is Cathy". We will pray for your health and ask God to give you a speedy recovery.

    Keep fighting girl friend.
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    Thomas HayesThomas Hayes Posts: 1,164
    Thank you James for posting this info, like many I haven't heard her friendly warm voice in awhile and thought she had moved to a different position at AMX. God's luck and speed with her battle.
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    a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    Thank you James for posting this info, like many I haven't heard her friendly warm voice in awhile and thought she had moved to a different position at AMX. God's luck and speed with her battle.

    Just to let everyone know, I spoke to TS today and they had unforunate news regarding Cathy's condition. They are hoping for a miracle, but from what they said, the doctors are feeling that there is less of a chance of a recovery at this point as it is in stage IV. I will continue to hope for a miracle as they happen often enough but I thought I would update the thread about what's going on. She can speak, and of course she still sounds like Cathy and is loving the cards and wishes from all her friends and clients and they are keeping her spirits up.
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    Thank you all for your comments and please keep the encouragement comming. We will see that she sees all the well wishes and prayers.
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    ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    Thank you all for your comments and please keep the encouragement comming. We will see that she sees all the well wishes and prayers.

    know that you are in my prayers and thoughts!

    Just to add my comments... Cathy is one of those people that I consider a huge asset to AMX's tech support in general. I can say that of all the places I have to call, AMX is probably the only one where I feel from the get-go that I'm going to be helped. Cathy is instrumental in setting that tone.

    Cathy is always 'Fantastic' and I can only reply that I'm 'Peachy!"

    keep up the fight! we'll be here for you!

    edited to add...
    Romans 8:36-39
    "As it is written: For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered."[l] 37No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[m] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
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    John GonzalesJohn Gonzales Posts: 609
    Thanks JJames for bringing this to everyone's attention.

    Cullen, please send my best to Cathy and let her know she and her family are in our prayers.

    "Remember your word to your servant by which you give me hope.
    This is my comfort in affliction, your promise that gives me life. "
    Psalm 119:49-50

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    a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    ericmedley wrote: »
    Cathy is always 'Fantastic' and I can only reply that I'm 'Peachy!"

    Lol...I recall teasing her because I asked her how she was doing one day and she said "Fantastic!" so I said, "wait a minute, you were fantastic yesterday, how can you be fantastic again today?", in a suspicious voice. She laughed and told me she was fantastic every day lol. I don't think I've ever "met" a more positive person than Cathy. One of a kind to be sure.
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    jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908

    A quick update for everyone.

    Today I got word that over the weekend Cathy has decided to stop taking her cancer medication, which was helping slow the progress of the cancer. She wishes she could thank everyone individually for their support and prayers, but that list would be far too great.

    Her family and friends appreciate the support that has been coming in, it has all helped keep her spirit up and a smile on her face. They ask that you please continue to pray and/or keep her in your thoughts.

    I will keep you all updated as any news come in.
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    a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    Hmmm...I was hoping for better news but perhaps stopping the meds will allow her to get a little strength back and let her immune system battle for a while. I know sometimes people recover after stopping medications since they are so toxic to the body and can do more harm than good at times. I'm still hoping for a miracle, because if anyone deserves one, she does and its happened many times before so why not now. I am glad she is at home rather than a hospital since that can often help with recovery as well. I hope she hasn't lost the spirit to fight, but from what I know about Cathy that is highly unlikely. If you hear more details please post them, and if she gets to read these posts I hope she understands we are all pulling for her to get through this.
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    Thomas HayesThomas Hayes Posts: 1,164
    Thank you for the update James. I will continue to hope for the best for Cathy and her family.
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    KouyaKouya Posts: 60
    Cathy is one of the best I talked to in the business.

    Her famous quote "I'm sorry whom did you say your with?........Okay I found you......How can I help you today"

    Cathy I'll keep you in my thoughts

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    In the early morning hours of Saturday, Cathy went to be with our Lord. She remained true to her spirit and devotion to God and her family. Cathy is at peace now. Cathy's family and the family here at AMX thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers.

    Details on the arrangement will follow.
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    a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    In the early morning hours of Saturday, Cathy went to be with our Lord. She remained true to her spirit and devotion to God and her family. Cathy is at peace now. Cathy's family and the family here at AMX thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers.

    Details on the arrangement will follow.

    Thank you for the update as hard as it is to hear. Cathy was one of a kind and this is a big loss to many of us here who came to know her over the phone over many years. I am very sad to hear the news but there is some relief that she is no longer suffering. My sincerest condolences to her family and the AMX family as well.
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    Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    I extend my condolences to Cathy's families. It was always a pleasure to speak with Cathy and I will miss talking with her.

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    ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    My condolences to Cathy's family and friends and AMX work buddies. It was encouraging to hear that she went home to be at rest. We all can learn much by her example of grace and decency as well as her professionalism. Hat's off to a classy person! Rest well in the Lord's presence Cathy... I'm sure she's really 'fantastic' now.
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    Thomas HayesThomas Hayes Posts: 1,164
    My condolences to Cathy's family. She was truely a dynamic person that always bought a bright and cheerful welcome to all she knew.
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    DavidRDavidR Posts: 62
    very sorry to hear... my condolences.

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    alexsquaredalexsquared Posts: 166
    What a shame. It's always hard when "one of the good ones" has to leave us. My condolences to her family and friends.
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    GSLogicGSLogic Posts: 562
    I have never meet Cathy in person, but whenever she answered the phone with her bubbling voice and positive attitude, I would always ask, how can you always be so cheerful... she would say, life is good! - an inspiration to us all.
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    Tribute to Cathy

    Please go to http://www.tributes.com/condolences/view_memories/88703104 and leave a tribute to Cathy so her family and friends can see it without joining the forum. This will help them, Steve her husband was very excited there was a tribute page to her, so I expect he will visit regularly.
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    ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    Thea Eck wrote: »
    Please go to http://www.tributes.com/condolences/view_memories/88703104 and leave a tribute to Cathy so her family and friends can see it without joining the forum. This will help them, Steve her husband was very excited there was a tribute page to her, so I expect he will visit regularly.

    Thanks Thea Eck! Let's blow this thing up with posts... :D
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    ericmedley wrote: »
    Thanks Thea Eck! Let's blow this thing up with posts... :D

    YES! Please do!
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    ericmedley wrote: »
    Thanks Thea Eck! Let's blow this thing up with posts... :D


    Thanks Thea! Cathy was a special lady for whom I am honored and blessed to be able to leave tribute.
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    Cathy's service

    Email for Shane Burke I received:

    I am putting together the slideshow for the memorial service and I am going to intersperse the photos with quotes from people who knew Cathy. Please invite users to submit quotes for the slideshow. I have scraped one already:

    “She was one the people that we called a Crazy Christian at AMX.” – Kenny Hays

    Anybody who wants to submit a quote can post it to the forum (I can read but not post), or they can e-mail it to me directly at Shane.Burke@RealmCtrl.com.
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    KouyaKouya Posts: 60

    Still still miss you!

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