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Hi There, When downloading an IR file to the controller via NetlinxStudio the download stops after sending about 60kb. Does anyone know why or how to get the complete file to download?


  • Not exactly sure, but that 60k IR file is VERY large.

  • Hi Chad,

    It is actually 60 bytes and then it stops :)
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    Try sending it through IREdit. I've had a few cases where NS didn't work but IREdit did. Never did figure out why, I was content to get it working.
  • I have tried using IREdit, but it does the same. What should the port be mapped to? I have tried 8-13, but no luck
  • IshlachiIshlachi Posts: 34
    I have been through this before and usually have to load empty IR file to controller first then load actual IR file to make it work. Also, make sure that IR Edit is set to send to Axcent device instead of NI.
  • MaracaerMaracaer Posts: 25
    Are you using Windows 7?
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,744
    Axcent3 IR

    I didn't recall ever changing to AXCENT as the type when loading Axcent3's as IO slaves here, so I pulled one out, and see the ports in NetLinx Studio when looking at the NetLinx... IREDIT here is set to NETLINX, and the upload is quick and complete. Tried several ports, no issues, as I recall from previous efforts. Therefore I don't think your issue is specifically Netlinx/Axcent settings.
    I'm on VISTA. I've loaded an Axcent3 from a Win7 machine before with IREDIT, I believe. I've never loaded a blank file first and never recall upload issues at all.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,744
    Axcent3 Address

    I recall issues with Axcent3 as an IO slave acting oddly when set to address 1. "0" makes it a master, anything else is supposed to take it into slave mode. We were trying to use "1" for slave mode and had some issues with communicating. They all went away when we used 11 instead (anything but 0 or 1, actually, we settled on recommending 11) so serial ports are 11-16, relays at 17, IR at 18-23, IO at 24. We have them in service in at least 15 locations without issues like these... so... this is probably worth a try for your situation.
  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    John Nagy wrote: »
    I recall issues with Axcent3 as an IO slave acting oddly when set to address 1. "0" makes it a master, anything else is supposed to take it into slave mode. We were trying to use "1" for slave mode and had some issues with communicating. They all went away when we used 11 instead (anything but 0 or 1, actually, we settled on recommending 11) so serial ports are 11-16, relays at 17, IR at 18-23, IO at 24.
    According to TN 158 setting the base device number to 1 puts the Axcent3 into master mode. Setting the base device number to any number other than 1 puts the Axcent3 into slave mode. The TN doesn’t explicitly say so but I don’t believe 0 is a legal option.

    I also prefer setting the base device number to 11 for *slave mode* because it creates a simple mapping correlation. All you need to do is add 10 to the *master mode* port numbers.
  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    Rereading the thread I don’t know if slave mode even comes into play as there is no mention that the Axcent3 is connected to a Netlinx master.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,744
    Joe Hebert wrote: »
    Rereading the thread I don’t know if slave mode even comes into play as there is no mention that the Axcent3 is connected to a Netlinx master.

    Your right. I presumed it was is slave mode without considering the alternative. Mapping 8-13 would follow from a base address setting at 1... which I stand corrected is Master mode and 0 does appear to be out of bounds.
    I have no experience with the unit in anything but a slave mode. If in master mode, I'm out of my element and withdraw, hat in hand.
    But the IR sure does upload like you expect when in slave mode.
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    It is possible there is a problem with the IR file. I had a not-quite-the-same but similar issue where a file would load with NS, but not via IREdit, and what did load stopped working at a specific channel. It turns out that channel's IR code was malformed, and when I deleted it, the rest came right up.
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