Firmware Version 2.86.50
in AMX Hardware
MVP 8400
I thought WPA was supported with this new firmware version. I can only get WEP settings. Is that all there is?
I thought WPA was supported with this new firmware version. I can only get WEP settings. Is that all there is?
Kevin D.
The firmware will detect which card is installed at bootup and enable/disable the appropriate capabilities in the setup pages.
The Hermes I card (also a "b" card) is no longer supported. There was a very limited number of early panels that were delivered with this card.
You can identify the different cards this way:
Hermes I: has 1 led.
Hermes II: has 2 leds
Marvell: has 0 leds.
Hope that helps,
Model #: NXA-WC80211G/CF
Part #: FG2255-07
Would it also be possible to exchange the wireless b/g card with a b/g/n card? (Or wouldn't that be supported by the software?)
There aren't any plans to offer a b/g/n card for the 8400. But I understand (from a reliable source) you will get improved performance with "g" cards (in your panels) if you use a good "n" capable router.
Make sure any wireless N (B/G mixed is fine) in the house is turned off. I just came from a job that was working poorly, and we had missed the wireless N in one of the access points. When I turned it off, my signal strength on the 5200's there went from "Poor" to "Excellent." It's also been my experience that it's not so much a range or signal strength issue, as one of reliability. The G cards just connect better and stay connected better ... and, of course, there is the better security, which is a big deal with my clients nowadays.
can you tell me the exact upgrade process for a newer G-Card? I mean what firmware must be installed before install the card?
1. Take panel apart
2. Pull out old wireless CF
3. Put in new wireless CF
4. Stick new antenna in place using supplied template for positioning
5. Put panel back together
I have always updated the firmware after upgrading the cards. I think you would have to have a very, very old firmware for it not to recognize it at all. If the firmware is currently up-to-date, you need do nothing once the card is in place.
Thanks for your reply.
now it is the newest firmware on it.
do you know are the used Marvel CF G-cards the ones with the 8385 chipset or if not do you know which chipset is used exactly?
Thanks much,