It's php; when you request it, the script runs on the server side and what you receive on the client end is only the output. Unless you know the developer and they are willing to send you a copy of the script, you're out of luck.
Yes, but it is possible to work with the output. That particular script just reports some data in what looks like a very parse-able form. It's too involved for me to get into in the five minutes I have before I need to leave, but in a nutshell, you have to open a connection with IP_CLIENT_OPEN and send the appropriate GET command once you have to run the script. You can then save the output like any other DATA_EVENT and work with that.
Yes, but it is possible to work with the output. That particular script just reports some data in what looks like a very parse-able form. It's too involved for me to get into in the five minutes I have before I need to leave, but in a nutshell, you have to open a connection with IP_CLIENT_OPEN and send the appropriate GET command once you have to run the script. You can then save the output like any other DATA_EVENT and work with that.
I am aware of that, in fact the OP messaged me and explained that was his intention. However the actual request was to 'open the file' so...