NI4100 serial port lockup
in AMX Hardware
I have a strange problem with a serial port on a NI4100 connected to a Symetrix DSP 8X8, sometimes I loose control of the audio processor. It shows transmit on button pushes but no receive. Cycle power on the audio proccessor doesn't change the receive status reboot and power cycle the master don't change anything either.
When I complie and reload the source file w/TKN it works. I get transmit and receive on all button pushes. Would you think the problem is in the master on the receive side?
Thanks for any suggestions
When I complie and reload the source file w/TKN it works. I get transmit and receive on all button pushes. Would you think the problem is in the master on the receive side?
Thanks for any suggestions
When this happens again it's easy to check. Hook up your laptop and check if the serial port is still receiving serial communication from your laptop. If not then it's the netlinx. (which seems most likely)
Nerieru: I'll try the testing the com port the next service trip to the site.
edgelitoc: Looking at the RS232 run and noticed some issues ( NI4100 port 6 > manufactured cable pins 2,3,5 only > Gefen RS232 xmtr > Straight CAT5 about 50' > Gefen Rx > Premade serial cable > Symetrix 8X8 DSP).
Andrew: I'll look at the code to see what's happening with received communications.
SvTech: Port 6
I'll report back after I get back on site. I'm also plan to home room a test serial cable to take the Gefen's and premade cables out the loop.
Again thanks for your input.