I just upgraded also and I haven't run into any issues with axm.com or any other site yet. Is there a particular page on amx.com you want me to try? The main page, the products page, and the tech center are working for me.
I realized I have also recently upgraded the Flash plugin, so, on a hunch, I disabled it and the page opens just fine (sans Flash, of course). I still have an older version on IE, so I tried that, and it opens fine. Then I upgraded Flash for IE as well, and that also is fine. It would seem there is an issue between the Flash elements on AMX.com and the Flash 10.1 (non IE) Player plugin. At least I can get my work done with Flash disabled ...
The problem came back, and I have noticed it on a few other sites now as well. On the Mozilla forums, I found a thread that described this, and offered two solutions. One was uninstalling Flash and re-installing it, and that didn't work for me. The other was disabling Java (not Javascript) in the browser, which seems to have done it for me. SO it's not a site problem, but apparently some Mozilla/Flash/Java exchange going wrong somewhere along the line. So if anyone else has a problem, this is something to try.
Well, it's definitely a Firefox problem. Word is, they specifically released 3.6.6 because of crashes with the latest Flash plug-in, so that solves that particular part of the mystery. But it's not 100%. I've been OK with the AMX site so far, but have still seen crashes on other Flash enabled sites ... and a quick Google search verifies others are having trouble too.
Got to hate intermittents ... locked up on me again while browsing firmware updates. The only fully reliable fix seems to be disabling Flash.
Well at least that's what overlord Jobs says.
I'll let you know as soon as I have it loaded and time to try to break it