The MVP Panels are bit plastic looking take a look at cr*****s wireless panels
they are all made of 2 cases, eg a back part and a front part.Not like the MVP Panels which have push on a front panel.Which sometimes comes off.
And the plastic cover paint does not last after a few scratches.
Sorry if i am ripping the panels.
But please improve the case for these panels.
I couldn't agree more. The white plastic underlying a very thin silver coating comes through under normal use in only a few weeks of service. I think this is an absolute must-do for AMX; for the cost of the panels, it is entirely unacceptable for them to look like crap after a few months of normal use.
On the bright side, the cases are easily replaced. Once they do come out with a more durable case, upgrading would be easy to do - and they sure as heck need to offer those cases with very little markup, if not for free.
In Netlinx Studio - I think it'd be helpful to have a "GOTO DATA_EVENT" button, just like the GOTO_VARIABLE button.
Ah yes, but >which< DATA_EVENT? That would be like adding a GOTO BUTTON_EVENT. All of the existing GOTOs bring you to a section that has only a single definition.
I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but how to implement is a better question... (like, each time you hit it, it brings you to the NEXT D.E.)
Well, to me that'd be fine. I group my variables by DEFINE_VARIABLE and comment to the right of them what they belong to (AVR, DVD, VCR, etc.) so that way I can jump right to my DVD variables. If you were to just comment to the right of the DATA_EVENTs, you could "tab" through them until you find the one you one. Now certainly, it wouldn't be practical to have a GOTO_BUTTON_EVENT, I agree, but if you were to have 10-15 data events, you could go right through them by only clicking 10-15 times on GOTO_DATA_EVENT rather than scrolling through lines and lines of code. Just my thoughts . . .
There's an annoyance that I'm running into quite often now that I would love to see fixed. I've recently changed my tab stops and indnentation to 3 characters. That really messes up the formatting of all my previous code and causes all of my arrays, comments, etc. not to be lined up corrected. I could EASILY spend a good hour reformatting / re-indenting everything so it lines up, and matches how I am now used to.
Now, that might not be a huge issue, but what about when I send my code to someone else? Or better yet, I get code from someone else that's 20,000 lines long?!? See my problem? Sure, I could go and reset my tab stops, and text indentation, but why should I? I'd love to see Studio do it for me. If we're going to be programming smart systems, why not the software we use be just as (or if not more) smart?
Now the next suggestion may be a little controversial, but after being shown the light on how to effectively format my code to make it more legible, easier to understand and more "professional" (ALL THAT IS MHO), I'd love to see this addition. Have an option to "auto format" the code . . . not to just do the tab-stops and such, but also the "proper" (again, MHO) tabbing. I used to write code like in example 1, but after seeing example 2, and how the tab-guide lines show up in Studio, it's much easier to follow (once more . . . MHO)
I know all that could be an insult to someone's style, however I do think there should be some type of "auto-format" button, that is perhaps based on a snippet of coding that you provide to Studio.
One more suggestion - sorry for the multiple posts. How about an "Insert Comment Block"? Something along the lines of the "Save File Revision..." function (under the File menu), but have the ability to add a large comment block anywhere in code, for the use of notes or instructions.
i fully agree with your tab style suggestion - example 2
not sure if i use such a wide tab though, but very much the same indentations.
i also think it has to be tabs, not spaces. using one or two spaces just don't step the stages well enough.
i sort of like the style of..
function_name (variable)
{ // start of function to do xyz
char String[]
{ // test for switch
case 1: // was switch equal to one
x = 1
} // end of test for switch
} // end of function xyz
.................. end of that suggestion ....................
my other suggestion comes from one of my fellow programmers, and i've extended it a little.
could netlink package an entire project, IR files included, into one file for system backups and uploads etc.
and to add to that, if we could read what is in the IR ports at present. dump the result into the ftp folder on board the controller. maybe dump the whole IR data, and / or the notes (if any).
oh... another thing. being able to run more than one instance of TPD4.
I would like to see the option to set the speed of scrolling when selecting blocks of code with your mouse. Say if i want to select a complete function (or whatever) for copying using the mouse, i click the left mouse button at the start of the function and then scroll down to the end of the block (holding down left button)
If the block is more than what's fitted on the current page the scrolling goes
too fast. (hard to stop at just the right moment).
I know it's a small thing, but it annoys the hell out of me.
Maybe this feature is already there, but i don't see anything like that in the preferences...
I would like to see the option to set the speed of scrolling when selecting blocks of code with your mouse. Say if i want to select a complete function (or whatever) for copying using the mouse, i click the left mouse button at the start of the function and then scroll down to the end of the block (holding down left button)
If the block is more than what's fitted on the current page the scrolling goes
too fast. (hard to stop at just the right moment).
I know it's a small thing, but it annoys the hell out of me.
Maybe this feature is already there, but i don't see anything like that in the preferences...
This is a function of your operating system, not Studio. It seems to get worse with processor speed, but I have the same problem with every WIndows-based editor I use. As I said on another issue, I'm sure it can be overridden, but probably falls in the category of "Not our problem, not worth us spending time to fix it" for AMX.
Since we're kind of on the track of mouse functions, what I'd also like to see is the use of the middle button. Sure, you can scroll up and down, but I'd like to see it how it is used in a web browser. Click on it, and it brings up the N-S-E-W arrows and you can just "point up" to go up, the higher up - the faster it goes.
Sorry, I might not of been clear at what I wanted. I would like to be able to send the compiled code not just to one controller but many, all with different IP address in one shot. Many of my rooms use the exact same code and it would be nice to blanket send new codes to these rooms all at once.
Sorry, I might not of been clear at what I wanted. I would like to be able to send the compiled code not just to one controller but many, all with different IP address in one shot. Many of my rooms use the exact same code and it would be nice to blanket send new codes to these rooms all at once.
I might be missing something here but if you map your code appropriately you can already do this, checking off the checkboxes for each system in the file transfer dialog or using the quick load option.
Problem I'm running into this very moment. Have LOCAL_VAR be local to the EVENT, and not just the action.
Aren't pushes, releases and holds(even if for an extremely brief second) all part of the physical event of hitting a button on a keypad or TP? Why not have LOCAL_VARs be part of the EVENT and not just the action?
This is a function of your operating system, not Studio. It seems to get worse with processor speed, but I have the same problem with every WIndows-based editor I use. As I said on another issue, I'm sure it can be overridden, but probably falls in the category of "Not our problem, not worth us spending time to fix it" for AMX.
This is not entirely correct. I copied a large include file into windows Notepad as well as Wordpad and the scrolling is smooth as a baby...
A second local ethernet connection so I could plug a Modero panel, etc. Less IP's required and track. Make the main ethernet able to show the device and web-pages of the local ethernet.
This is not entirely correct. I copied a large include file into windows Notepad as well as Wordpad and the scrolling is smooth as a baby...
Yes, I wasn't being entirely precise. It's a function of a standard Windows interface API. If they used another API, it would go away. It's interesting that some Microsoft programs are using a different one; perhaps they just need an upgrade.
As I recall, NetLInx Studio is a port of Microsoft Visual Studio. So they are stuck with whatever MS based their Studio on, and likely whatever it was based on at the time they licensed it. All this I offer with the disclaimer, "that's how I heard it," so it's possible things have changed. Either way, it isn't strictly a NetLInx Studio problem, except by inheritance. I mention all this just for additional information, not as an attempt to excuse it. I've written Windows software myself where I had to override API objects to correct bugs in the base design. Some things are easier to correct than others, but it can be corrected. I'm sure it's just a matter of them deciding what to spend resources on.
Not sure if you can already - but I haven't found it. I'd like to lock buttons in TPD4, and / or make then non-selectable. If I'm using a button as a background type object (see attachment) and I want to select button on top of it, I have to select each one individually, which gives you more opportunity to mess up and select the "background button".
I'd like to lock the "background button", and drag-and-select only the buttons I want that are on top of the "background button".
I?ve run into the same situation with that exact template and I haven?t found a way to lock the back button either (it would be a nice feature to have for sure) What I?ve done before is delete the button you have labeled as ?lock this?, used my mouse to lasso the buttons I do want selected and then do a CTRL-Z (ya gotta love the undo feature of TP4) to bring the ?lock this? button back. When you do the undo the buttons that were selected stay selected. It?s an extra step but it beats the pants off of selecting each button individually while holding down the shift key.
One other option is to start your mouse on the outside of the back button and lasso the volume bargraph buttons as shown in yellow in a the attached modified version of your attached picture. The only buttons that will be selected are those that are completed surrounded by the lasso. In this case you would have to hold the shift button down to deselect the volume up and down buttons but that?s still easier than selecting each of the bargraph buttons one at a time.
Maybe one of these ideas might help until your suggestion is implemented.
I would like to see the stylus redesigned on the MVP8400's. I have been called several times to "extract" a panel from a wall-mount docking station because a user was able to put the stylus in the wrong way. This causes friction against the docking station and prevents the little motor from ejecting the panel. Could the stylus be redesigned so it absolutely can not be put in the case wrong?
Joe - great idea / suggestion. I'll (or you) will have to point to that post in the Tips & Tricks thread. Thanks for the suggestion - I'll be using it. What I don't understand, is that it was available in TPD3 (at least the lock feature) - why not TPD4? I would imagine it would be a VERY EASY fix too. I have used TDP3 once in my life, so I don't know really if you can stop from selecting something. But I believe you can lock the button.
Well, I was just reading over the improvements of NetLinx Studio 2.4 and liked what I saw. I'm happy AMX threw in the import / export preferences - that relieves me of writing my own program to do that.
Next thing I'd like to see - code formatting, aka code beautifying. There's plenty of programs that do it out there, but of course - none support the NetLinx language. Perhaps the code beautifier could be used in conjunction with opening code that has used different tab stop / character indenting.
Anyway, I'm going to have to give 2.4 a spin and see how it stacks up in total. But from the looks - seems like (as usual) AMX is moving in the right direction.
On the bright side, the cases are easily replaced. Once they do come out with a more durable case, upgrading would be easy to do - and they sure as heck need to offer those cases with very little markup, if not for free.
I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but how to implement is a better question... (like, each time you hit it, it brings you to the NEXT D.E.)
- Chip
Oops . . . wrong answer / suggestion . . .
There's an annoyance that I'm running into quite often now that I would love to see fixed. I've recently changed my tab stops and indnentation to 3 characters. That really messes up the formatting of all my previous code and causes all of my arrays, comments, etc. not to be lined up corrected. I could EASILY spend a good hour reformatting / re-indenting everything so it lines up, and matches how I am now used to.
Now, that might not be a huge issue, but what about when I send my code to someone else? Or better yet, I get code from someone else that's 20,000 lines long?!? See my problem? Sure, I could go and reset my tab stops, and text indentation, but why should I? I'd love to see Studio do it for me. If we're going to be programming smart systems, why not the software we use be just as (or if not more) smart?
Now the next suggestion may be a little controversial, but after being shown the light on how to effectively format my code to make it more legible, easier to understand and more "professional" (ALL THAT IS MHO), I'd love to see this addition. Have an option to "auto format" the code . . . not to just do the tab-stops and such, but also the "proper" (again, MHO) tabbing. I used to write code like in example 1, but after seeing example 2, and how the tab-guide lines show up in Studio, it's much easier to follow (once more . . . MHO)
I know all that could be an insult to someone's style, however I do think there should be some type of "auto-format" button, that is perhaps based on a snippet of coding that you provide to Studio.
Just my thinking at 12am . . .
just wanted to put in my two bobs worth.
i fully agree with your tab style suggestion - example 2
not sure if i use such a wide tab though, but very much the same indentations.
i also think it has to be tabs, not spaces. using one or two spaces just don't step the stages well enough.
i sort of like the style of..
function_name (variable)
{ // start of function to do xyz
char String[]
{ // test for switch
case 1: // was switch equal to one
x = 1
} // end of test for switch
} // end of function xyz
.................. end of that suggestion
my other suggestion comes from one of my fellow programmers, and i've extended it a little.
could netlink package an entire project, IR files included, into one file for system backups and uploads etc.
and to add to that, if we could read what is in the IR ports at present. dump the result into the ftp folder on board the controller. maybe dump the whole IR data, and / or the notes (if any).
oh... another thing. being able to run more than one instance of TPD4.
I would like to see the option to set the speed of scrolling when selecting blocks of code with your mouse. Say if i want to select a complete function (or whatever) for copying using the mouse, i click the left mouse button at the start of the function and then scroll down to the end of the block (holding down left button)
If the block is more than what's fitted on the current page the scrolling goes
too fast. (hard to stop at just the right moment).
I know it's a small thing, but it annoys the hell out of me.
Maybe this feature is already there, but i don't see anything like that in the preferences...
I might be missing something here but if you map your code appropriately you can already do this, checking off the checkboxes for each system in the file transfer dialog or using the quick load option.
But yeah, I need this feature too. I'd prefer it in NetLinx, but I'll take it in Duet if that's the only place it's likely to show up in.
- Chip
Aren't pushes, releases and holds(even if for an extremely brief second) all part of the physical event of hitting a button on a keypad or TP? Why not have LOCAL_VARs be part of the EVENT and not just the action?
As I recall, NetLInx Studio is a port of Microsoft Visual Studio. So they are stuck with whatever MS based their Studio on, and likely whatever it was based on at the time they licensed it. All this I offer with the disclaimer, "that's how I heard it," so it's possible things have changed. Either way, it isn't strictly a NetLInx Studio problem, except by inheritance. I mention all this just for additional information, not as an attempt to excuse it. I've written Windows software myself where I had to override API objects to correct bugs in the base design. Some things are easier to correct than others, but it can be corrected. I'm sure it's just a matter of them deciding what to spend resources on.
I'd like to lock the "background button", and drag-and-select only the buttons I want that are on top of the "background button".
One other option is to start your mouse on the outside of the back button and lasso the volume bargraph buttons as shown in yellow in a the attached modified version of your attached picture. The only buttons that will be selected are those that are completed surrounded by the lasso. In this case you would have to hold the shift button down to deselect the volume up and down buttons but that?s still easier than selecting each of the bargraph buttons one at a time.
Maybe one of these ideas might help until your suggestion is implemented.
Well, I was just reading over the improvements of NetLinx Studio 2.4 and liked what I saw. I'm happy AMX threw in the import / export preferences - that relieves me of writing my own program to do that.
Next thing I'd like to see - code formatting, aka code beautifying. There's plenty of programs that do it out there, but of course - none support the NetLinx language. Perhaps the code beautifier could be used in conjunction with opening code that has used different tab stop / character indenting.
Anyway, I'm going to have to give 2.4 a spin and see how it stacks up in total. But from the looks - seems like (as usual) AMX is moving in the right direction.
Alternatively you can hold down Ctrl and then use your mouse to lasoo the required buttons.
Excellent! Exactly what I was looking for. Is this documented anywhere?