VOIP panels and integration
in AMX Hardware
Hello there!
I`ve been asked to see if i can integrate any of the AMX VOIP panels with the Shoretel VOIP telephone system. I`ve read quite alot of things about the SIP gateway, does the panel need this to talk to other vendors?
Do the panels support RFC 3261?
Any information would appreciated
I`ve been asked to see if i can integrate any of the AMX VOIP panels with the Shoretel VOIP telephone system. I`ve read quite alot of things about the SIP gateway, does the panel need this to talk to other vendors?
Do the panels support RFC 3261?
Any information would appreciated
While 3rd party gateways are not officially supported, you shouldn't have any trouble connecting to one. Usually if you have an issue, its with the value-add features provided by the other gateway.
I believe others have connected to Cisco gateways. I have never heard of Shoretel, so I can't say for sure.
I can get the Shoretel system to call the panel via the CSG but cant get the panel to call out of the CSG. Our Shoretel expert is looking into why this could be.
You might poke around the Asterisk forums and see if anyone has integrated Shoretel and Asterisk. It would be very similar to what you are trying to do.