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New error msg?

Anybody got any idea what this relates too?

The system was fine up until I added the zigbeed gateways and R4s into the system but I've also added/changed a fair amount of code too.
Line      6 (14:08:27)::  Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A8)
Line      7 (14:08:27)::  Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A8)
Line      8 (14:08:27)::  Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A8)


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    truetrue Posts: 307
    Ignore it. It's normal...
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    a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    vining wrote: »
    Anybody got any idea what this relates too?

    The system was fine up until I added the zigbeed gateways and R4s into the system but I've also added/changed a fair amount of code too.
    Line      6 (14:08:27)::  Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A8)
    Line      7 (14:08:27)::  Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A8)
    Line      8 (14:08:27)::  Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A8)

    I get these too. I don't like seeing these inscrutable errors as they are often a red herring that has you chasing down rabbit holes when unrelated things go wrong. I hope the next firmware version gets rid of it.
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    the8thstthe8thst Posts: 470
    vining wrote: »
    Anybody got any idea what this relates too?

    The system was fine up until I added the zigbeed gateways and R4s into the system but I've also added/changed a fair amount of code too.
    Line      6 (14:08:27)::  Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A8)
    Line      7 (14:08:27)::  Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A8)
    Line      8 (14:08:27)::  Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A8)

    It is a harmless error caused by the zigbee gateway and R4s. It gets pretty ridiculous when you have a large number or R4s in a system and see 10-15 of these errors scroll by in the telnet window.
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    viningvining Posts: 4,368
    Hmmm, another of those glitches that are supposedly harmless. The last time I had something similar issue with the R4's engineering said here on the forum that it wasn't completely harmless since the R4 were actually dropping offline a few seconds each time it happened. It was tied to the ClockManager updates somehow and that system still has the problems to this day. I can't find the time to do the 4 hours round trip to upload new firmware especially when I should have kicked myself in the a$$ for doing the upgrade in the first place.

    With the new Zigbee Pro gateways we can remotely transfer firmware through the Gateway can't we. Just not UI files?
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    I had the same Errormessage. But i have 2 TPI DVI Pro:

    (0000083724) CIpEvent::OnLine 10002:1:1
    (0000083732) CIpEvent::OnLine 10002:2:1
    (0000083733) CIpEvent::OnLine 10002:3:1
    (0000083733) CIpEvent::OnLine 10002:4:1
    (0000083735) CIpEvent::OnLine 10002:5:1
    (0000083735) CIpEvent::OnLine 10002:6:1
    (0000083735) CIpEvent::OnLine 10002:7:1
    (0000083736) CIpEvent::OnLine 10002:8:1
    (0000083737) CIpEvent::OnLine 10002:9:1
    (0000083737) CIpEvent::OnLine 10002:10:1
    (0000083738) CIpEvent::OnLine 10002:11:1
    (0000083739) CIpEvent::OnLine 10002:12:1
    (0000083739) CIpEvent::OnLine 10002:13:1
    (0000083830) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A8)
    (0000086324) Benchmark Index: 1436
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    DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    It looks to me like nothing more than a corrupt packet from the RF end of things, and I presume there is some manner of error-checking and re-send going on behind the scenes. It's pretty near impossible to have any RF device communicate without error 100% of the time. I would be concerned only if you had an endless stream of those errors and the R4 wasn't working right.
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    ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    I can say that I've seen this error in conjunction with an offline event from R4s. But, I've also seen them happen without an offline event too.

    I know I try to work really hard to prevent runtime errors and this kind of thing. I too do not like to hear about 'harmless' errors. It makes me wonder if it is just good-ole error handling or if something worse is happening.
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    The message that is printed is not an error per se. At one point there was a message added that indicates a device has finished sending it's parametric info (port count, channel count, level count, string size, command size, etc.)

    The new message was added for Zigbee devices and gateways to improve communication and coordination between the device and gateway on the Zigbee link. The message is used by the Zigbee gateway, but is not used by the master so that is why a master prints that Invalid message log.

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    viningvining Posts: 4,368
    Is there anyway to get rid of this "non" errror, error? In this 1 hour log segment of my daily sitrep email between 2300 hours and midnight it's been logged 38 times. Is this related to usage? It seems to occur only when the clients are at this residence. The other error associated with the clock manager I can live with since I slowed that to every 4 hours but this is clogging up my logs and should be handle by the master even if it just dumps it.

    Yes I can filter from the logging process but I'd rather it be handled properly.

    I wouldn't have even noticed but I got a memory warning email and decided to check out the logs and they're full of this crap. A master firmware that would process this properly would be greatly appreciated.
    <<< 23:00 >>>
    (0190580593) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A8)
    (0190610101) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0190611117) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0190612183) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0190974257) Connected Successfully
    (0190974332) CIpEvent::OnLine 0:3:1
    (0190975265) Exiting TCP Read thread - closing this socket for local port 3
    (0190975403) CIpEvent::OffLine 0:3:1
    (0191761209) 23:21:55 * SECURITY, ZONE : ** : Secure!
    (0192091971) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A8)
    (0192202271) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0192203287) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0192204303) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0192523576) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A8)
    (0192580719) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0192581785) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0192582800) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0193274742) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A8)
    (0193309246) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0193310263) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0193311277) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0193391614) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A8)
    (0193436363) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0193437378) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0193438445) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0193548697) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A8)
    (0193590482) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0193591550) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0193592564) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0193694440) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A8)
    (0193716199) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0193717215) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0193718230) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0193895074) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A8)
    (0193949467) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0193950483) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0193951549) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0193953753) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A8)
    (0193975064) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0193976081) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0193977145) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A2)
    (0194023952) Invalid message received @ CDMDeviceManager (00A8)
    <<< 00:00 >>>
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    I have been told that this message (00A8) has been removed in an upcoming release of the master firmware. Not sure about a time frame since I haven't worked on master products for quite a while, but it should be upcoming. The current release of master firmware (3.50.439) removes the 00A2 error message.

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    viningvining Posts: 4,368
    I have been told that this message (00A8) has been removed in an upcoming release of the master firmware. Not sure about a time frame since I haven't worked on master products for quite a while, but it should be upcoming. The current release of master firmware (3.50.439) removes the 00A2 error message.


    Great, thanks!
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