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NXV-300 or TPControl

So, which would you use or recommend, the virtual touch panel, accesible from all devices or TPControl which we must choose according to the device we use? I think AMX would like us to purchase their product, with good reasons behind it too.


  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,744
    We had to make allowances for the slowness of the NXV300, reducing our extensive color themeing and slowing the commands to it via a queue, much like the R4. It's internal web server can be overwhelmed with a lot of panel instruction. The web server in it isn't iPhone browser compatible, so you CAN'T use it without a VNC client on a iPad or iPhone. And VNC is slower, especially remotely. If you have iThings in the mix, you may as well buy a 430 panel at the same cost as the 300, and use it for real as a panel in the system and the iThings as extensions of that panel via VNC. You get another panel out of the deal.

    If the iPad is the device desired, the performance of TPCONTROL is worth the cost. Many say it's a better, sharper, faster panel experience than an 8400.

    I think you need to choose for the individual job. You can't just pick one.
  • yuriyuri Posts: 861
    Agree on the 430 touchpanel
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