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NI3000 Serial issue (300/7/E/1)

hi together

i have a issue with my NI3000 Controller and control a ser. device with 300Bd, 7E1.
the same amx code works on my NI700 and with a AXB-RS232 Box without problems.
Only on the NI3000 there is no RX. I see the transmit of the Request (TX), but no answer.
The same Hardware Installation works with NI700/AXB-RS232.

Is somewhere knowing of some bugs with this Baudrate?



  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    I would verify the actual serial port on the NI300 is OK. It's not uncommon for them to fail. Set it to some standard baud rate, and connect it to your PC's serial port, then open Hyperterminal on that port. Put a dummy program that echoes the serial port on the NI to the terminal screen (or just put the port in pass mode) ... then type stuff in on each end to make sure it is working. If it works for a standard baud rate, but fails at 300, then you found a bug. If it doesn't ever work, well, then it needs to go in for service.
  • hi

    i try all port with baudrate of 300, no one is working with this bd.
    other baudrates works on all ports.
    so i think it must be a problem with the ni's or the firmware.

  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    Not a bug

    This is documented in the AMX Online-PI. Granted this may be old information, but since I've yet to see it changed, I assume it's still accurate.
    !! Note: Baud rates of 115200, 76800, 57600, and 38400 are intermittent and
    !! should not be used.
    !! Baud rates of 150, 300, and 600 do not work at this time.
  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    I stand corrected . . . this is for the IR ports when in DATA mode. However - if there's an issue with those bauds in one section of the NI (or firmware), quite possibly in others?

    I'd call it in to TS.
  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    John_Glove wrote: »
    i have a issue with my NI3000 Controller and control a ser. device with 300Bd, 7E1.
    the same amx code works on my NI700 and with a AXB-RS232 Box without problems.
    Only on the NI3000 there is no RX. I see the transmit of the Request (TX), but no answer.
    The same Hardware Installation works with NI700/AXB-RS232.

    Is somewhere knowing of some bugs with this Baudrate?

    Unless the doc is incorrect, I don’t see any command that allows us to use 7 data bits at any baud rate like you can with the AXB-232 dip switch so I don't think it's a bug, it's just not supported.
    AMX-PI wrote:
    "'SET BAUD <baud>,<parity>,<data>,<stop> [485 <Enable | Disable>]'"
    Set the RS-232/422/485 port's communication parameters.

    SEND_COMMAND <DEV>,"'SET BAUD <baud>,<parity>,<data>,<stop> [485 <Enable | Disable>]'"

    baud = baud rates are: 115200, 76800, 57600, 38400, 19200,
    9600, 4800, 2400, 1200, 600, 300, 150.
    parity = N (none), O (odd), E (even), M (mark), S (space).
    data = 8 data bits.
    stop = 1 and 2 stop bits.
    485 Disable = Disables RS-485 mode and enables RS-422.
    485 Enable = Enables RS-485 mode and disables RS-422.

    Note: The only valid 9 bit combination is (baud),N,9,1.

    SEND_COMMAND RS232_1,"'SET BAUD 115200,N,8,1 485 ENABLE'"
    Sets the RS232_1 port's communication parameters to 115,200 baud,
    no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and enables RS-485 mode.

    "'TSET BAUD <baud>,<parity>,<data>,<stop> [485 <Enable | Disable>]'"
    Temporarily set the RS-232/422/485 port's communication parameters for
    a device. TSET BAUD works the same as SET BAUD, except that the changes
    are not permanent, and the previous values will be restored if the
    power is cycled on the device.

    SEND_COMMAND <DEV>,"'TSET BAUD <baud>,<parity>,<data>,<stop> [485 <Enable | Disable>]'"

    baud = baud rates are: 115200, 57600, 38400, 19200,
    9600, 4800, 2400, 1200, 600, 300.
    parity = N (none), O (odd), E (even), M (mark), S (space).
    data = 8 or 9 data bits.
    stop = 1 or 2 stop bits.
    485 Disable = Disables RS-485 mode and enables RS-422.
    485 Enable = Enables RS-485 mode and disables RS-422.

    Note: The only valid 9 bit combination is (baud),N,9,1.

    SEND_COMMAND RS232_1,"'TSET BAUD 115200,N,8,1 485 ENABLE'"
    Sets the RS232_1 port's communication parameters to 115,200 baud,
    no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and enables RS-485 mode.
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    7,E,1 is the same packet size as 8,N,1 ... I kind of doubt that is the problem. You've got one less data bit, but it's made up for by the parity bit ... and I don't think the hardware cares which it is, it's a matter of how the data is interpreted. So, I would think the data would be scrambled, not non-existent.
  • Joe HebertJoe Hebert Posts: 2,159
    Same packet size yes, however, if the device is looking for 7E1 and we’re sending 8N1 isn’t it possible that the device won’t respond at all since the data sent to it is incorrect (scrambled) to begin with?

    I guess one way to test this is to set the AXB-232 to 8N1 instead of 7E1 and see if the device responds. If it does then it may be as you say, a bug with the AMX NI. If it doesn’t respond then it may simply be a matter of the NI not supporting the baud rate parameters he needs.
  • Joe Hebert wrote: »
    Same packet size yes, however, if the device is looking for 7E1 and we’re sending 8N1 isn’t it possible that the device won’t respond at all since the data sent to it is incorrect (scrambled) to begin with?

    I guess one way to test this is to set the AXB-232 to 8N1 instead of 7E1 and see if the device responds. If it does then it may be as you say, a bug with the AMX NI. If it doesn’t respond then it may simply be a matter of the NI not supporting the baud rate parameters he needs.

    8N1 doesn't work! it must be 7E1. so i think this is not supported in the NI3000

  • mushmush Posts: 287
    Are you sure it's not the old dried out capacitor issue?
    See this thread...
  • mush wrote: »
    Are you sure it's not the old dried out capacitor issue?
    See this thread...


    i think not. on one ser port is still a device working on my NI3000.

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