NI3000 Serial issue (300/7/E/1)
in AMX Hardware
hi together
i have a issue with my NI3000 Controller and control a ser. device with 300Bd, 7E1.
the same amx code works on my NI700 and with a AXB-RS232 Box without problems.
Only on the NI3000 there is no RX. I see the transmit of the Request (TX), but no answer.
The same Hardware Installation works with NI700/AXB-RS232.
Is somewhere knowing of some bugs with this Baudrate?
i have a issue with my NI3000 Controller and control a ser. device with 300Bd, 7E1.
the same amx code works on my NI700 and with a AXB-RS232 Box without problems.
Only on the NI3000 there is no RX. I see the transmit of the Request (TX), but no answer.
The same Hardware Installation works with NI700/AXB-RS232.
Is somewhere knowing of some bugs with this Baudrate?
i try all port with baudrate of 300, no one is working with this bd.
other baudrates works on all ports.
so i think it must be a problem with the ni's or the firmware.
This is documented in the AMX Online-PI. Granted this may be old information, but since I've yet to see it changed, I assume it's still accurate.
I'd call it in to TS.
I guess one way to test this is to set the AXB-232 to 8N1 instead of 7E1 and see if the device responds. If it does then it may be as you say, a bug with the AMX NI. If it doesn’t respond then it may simply be a matter of the NI not supporting the baud rate parameters he needs.
8N1 doesn't work! it must be 7E1. so i think this is not supported in the NI3000
See this thread...
i think not. on one ser port is still a device working on my NI3000.