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MVP-8400 and level 13

Recently when I was doing a job with the most current FW(2.86.50) in a new MVP-8400, I noticed something strange.

I have about 20 different volume levels on this panel which I was controlling via an NI-2100 connected to a Nexia CS and updating the panel levels real time (using Nexia Defaults -100 to 12 for simplicity). Everything seemed to work well except when updating level 13. For some reason, when the code sent a negative value to the panel, it automatically ramped to full, even though I verified that I was indeed sending the correct level, AND that the value stored for level 13 on the panel was correct (meaning it was storing the negative value). I also checked and verified I had indeed set the parameters on all of my levels to the native Nexia -100 for a low and +12 for a high. Has anyone else encountered anything like this?

This could be an isolated case, so maybe it's nothing. Just keep an eye out.

Note: I'd have posted this in the MVP-8400 FW section, but it might not be just an MVP-8400 issue. (I have also tested this with an NXT-CV7 with current FW at my test space, but the level 13 on this panel responds as expected).
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