IP Device Comm
Its simple but I thought it might be useful for people new to IP comm
This module will properly handle all of your IP devices.
Keeping them online and reporting errors.
This module will properly handle all of your IP devices.
Keeping them online and reporting errors.
If the device is offline there will be an error report once a second but of course you could extend that by simply changing the timeline.
Are you suggesting a better way or just pointing out the error reporting?
Your method also has the property that a connection attempt, on the first try, will take at minimum the time of your timeline time before an attempt to reconnect is made. Further retries will take at most as long as the timeline time, rather than immediately when possible or after some cascaded delay (after X failures, wait Y time before reconnects). My AppleTV module takes both of these into consideration (the latter mostly for prevention of console error spamming).
I don't trust timelines for continuous running (I have had issues in the past, timelines mysteriously stopping after 6 months), so I use the "GET_TIMER" function in mainline to get the current system timer value and add an offset to it for my response timeouts and reconnect timeouts in my comm modules.
@Chevyman78: Thanks for the file there. Very programmer spirited of you to share a code that should help to make life easier for your fellow programmers. I have just downloaded it to try, as my own IP coding could be better.
// rant starts
@EveryoneElse who has thrown constructive criticism at Chevyman78 – if your methods are better or your code more efficient, great. Please share them and help all of us improve. Im happy to learn new coding methods, but at least Chevyman78 has been good enough to provide a code example that we call all look at and use to learn. Your comments so far may be aimed as helpful, but do smack a bit of just criticizing someone who is genuinely trying to help the AMX programming community. Lets not put people off the altruistic idea of actually helping fellow programmers
// end rant
JasonS - do you care to post your code? It sounds like it might work well.