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4YDM not responding to serial commands?

I have a 4ydm that I am trying to control (used off ebay), but for whatever reason I am unable to get it to respond to serial commands. If I run a terminal program straight off my serial port on my laptop, I get no response when I send commands. The same is true if I disconnect and reapply power. I would assume some type of data should be spit out the serial port, right?


  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,744
    Call Autopatch support. They can look up what is in your unit by the serial number. Many frames you find second hand are set up as slaves, and need to have a master unit pass them the commands, they won't talk to you on serial.

    Autopatch has a chip (socketed) that you can change out in the control card to make slaves into masters. It's under $20. If they still have them.... it's been a while since I was in this situation.
  • Is there still a support number for autopatch that is different than AMX tech? I cant seem to find one. We are not paying for the annual amx service fee at this point.
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