No data received trough rs-232 port
I've security system connected trough rs-232 to NI-3000. Device itself is constantly sending my data, but i can not receive it eider trough buffer or event.
my code:
data_event [dvSatel]{
SEND_COMMAND dvSatel,"'SET BAUD 4800,N,8,1, 485 Disable'";
wait 100{
send_command dvSatel,"'GET BAUD'";
send_string 0,"'Satel Text: ',data.text";
if (find_string(data.text,"$FF,$FF",1)){
send_string dvSatel,"$FF,$FF,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$01,$10,$FF,$AA";
send_string 0,"'WARNIG: wykryto blod protokolu Satela nr: ',itoa(ErrorSatelProtocolType)";
send_string 0,"'Satel Cmd: ',data.text";
send_string 0,"'Satel err: ',data.text";
I've started with additional CREATE_BUFFER logic (and i would like to work in such way), but I've commented it out just to make sure that it's not source of the problem.
Also tried XON and HSON (just sending those commands on online, without any additional logic, cos I don't think I need any).
Led on controller is not blinking.
Cable and device is good because I can revive data trough my com-port on my laptop (same communication setting, but computer seem to work both with "DATA FLOW CONTROL" set to "None" and "XonXoff ?").
NO idea what I'm doing wrong, or where to start search for solution (google didn't help)
my code:
data_event [dvSatel]{
SEND_COMMAND dvSatel,"'SET BAUD 4800,N,8,1, 485 Disable'";
wait 100{
send_command dvSatel,"'GET BAUD'";
send_string 0,"'Satel Text: ',data.text";
if (find_string(data.text,"$FF,$FF",1)){
send_string dvSatel,"$FF,$FF,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$01,$10,$FF,$AA";
send_string 0,"'WARNIG: wykryto blod protokolu Satela nr: ',itoa(ErrorSatelProtocolType)";
send_string 0,"'Satel Cmd: ',data.text";
send_string 0,"'Satel err: ',data.text";
I've started with additional CREATE_BUFFER logic (and i would like to work in such way), but I've commented it out just to make sure that it's not source of the problem.
Also tried XON and HSON (just sending those commands on online, without any additional logic, cos I don't think I need any).
Led on controller is not blinking.
Cable and device is good because I can revive data trough my com-port on my laptop (same communication setting, but computer seem to work both with "DATA FLOW CONTROL" set to "None" and "XonXoff ?").
NO idea what I'm doing wrong, or where to start search for solution (google didn't help)
Also will try disable others as advised.
cutting of wire from pin 7 and 8 didn't cane much.
and then cutting wire from pin 1 did the thing.
thanks for help
wouldn't figure it out by myself.