Dimming screen but not autolocking
I am finding it frustrating that every time you want to use the iPad to control the system you have to press the home button and swipe to unlock. Would it be possible to add the ability to switch the screen off after a specified period but not lock the screen. this way you can save battery but not suffer the (minor) inconvenience of having to unlock the panel every time you want to adjust volume.
I just send it the sleep command.
Choose any button, select the programming tab, and enter the following:
Channel Port = 0-loopback port
Command Output = SLEEP
When the user hits that button the iPad will go to sleep (the backlight will go out) and the iPad will not wake until the user hits the screen (not too hard though) or if you send a popup to the panel like a caller ID popup or alarm of some sort.
The iPad will not auto-lock even if auto-lock is configured to do so in the general settings of the iPad if you go with the SLEEP command.
You can take it a step further and let the user configure the timeout period or let the user disable the timeout all together by making the wait time a variable.
I've been using a BLACK page as the inactivity page, flip time to one minute, and a touch on it is set to flip to "previous page". This works well but leaves the backlight on (though hard to tell unless it's a dim room). You need to also leave the TPC settings with DEVELOPER MODE turned on which prevents the timed lock. This is now called the "Enable Auto-Lock" setting.
But this runs batteries down pretty quickly as the light stays on 24/7.
SLEEP sounds like it solves this, but ideally, the inactivity page would have a way to initiate the SLEEP all by itself upon display (and not require a NetLinx or human trigger). But not by any means I know. Ideas?
Upon further review:
1) Sleep does NOT turn off the backlight. It dims it considerably but there is a definite difference between the iPad in its off state and TPC in a sleep state. I imagine it looks the same as a BLACK page that John referred to.
2) The following steps will force a restart of TPC as the panel becomes unresponsive:
a) Start TPC
b) Send the SLEEP command to the iPad (either via code or the loopback port)
c) Turn the iPad off.
d) Turn the iPad back on and unlock.
The iPad is in the dim state (sleeping state) but touching the screen does not wake it up. You have to close TPC and then launch again.
Even if we were to monitor the ONLINE event and then issue a WAKE command it still won’t wake the panel. You have to reboot TPC.
At least that’s what I’m seeing here. Are others getting different results?
I haven't tried it myself yet.
I did NOT however experience any problems coming back out of SLEEP in the iPad, but I only tried it about 30 times, never after a long time.
On re-read, it appears your lockout occurs if the panel turns OFF while sleeping. I didn't try that, I will later. But sounds like another vote against SLEEP.
The new OS brings a new set of variables, so this whole thing is back up into the air... in a good way I hope.
The black page dims the backlight as much as sleep does and the inactivity timeout can be adjusted by the user in the TPC setup page. There’s also no lockup issue with the black page like there is with sleep and it’s completely TP driven.
Either way the battery is still going to drain pretty quickly since the backlight stays on so it’s a pick your poison.
No for iThings. Read the TPC documention on GUIDED ACCESS for iPad/iPhone/iPod. It improves a number of things. Not a lot, but some. See below.
If you get the settings right on an Android, it pretty much rocks. You can set the timeout as you want in regular settings, set the DOCK/CHARGE behavior to "dream", and when it is on the charger it will time out to a very dim clock, and return with a touch, no disconnection. When off the charger, it will lock, but reconnects pretty fast. So at least on a dock, it exactly behaves like a real touch panel.
For either, it looks like the best patch to keep the panel going longer while OUT of the charger but not kill the battery is to set the autolock high (20 min or more if your operating system version offers it), and in your AMX program code,
start a timer at any touch or page send to the panel...
At a given count (a minute, or adjustable), send a SLEEP....
Any touch will end the sleep, so you get at least the timeout time without having to unlock, even while the screen is "darkish".
You can get fancier yet with the API to turn on and off the AUTOLOCK based on what the feedback is from DOCK NOTIFICATIONS.
Lots of dancing, but the tune is worth it.
For more information on the LockOut modes (including links to our info/how-to pages), please refer to the COMPARISON CHART at the top of our Products pages
Direct links here...
Apple: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5509?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US
Android: http://www.touchpanelcontrol.com/tpclockout
Windows: http://www.touchpanelcontrol.com/assigned-access
I have an online event with
SEND_COMMAND TpKtchn_d1Phys, 'TPCCMD-AutoLaunch,true'
// TpKtchn_d1Phys = 10001:1:1
Which doesn't seem to work anymore
It worked fine before i updated the iDevices to iOS 8.1
A couple of things here:
1. The 'AutoLaunch' operation only applies to Android devices and relates to custom functionality for the TPCLockOut feature. When enabled, TPControl will launch when the Android device is restarted. 'AutoLaunch' does not perform any function for Apple or Windows TPControl devices.
2. iOS's nature, after a device enters auto-lock, is to present the last active application, or desktop, when resuming from auto-lock. However, changes made by Apple in iOS8 cause TPControl to be forced closed after a few minutes of entering auto-lock, and as such you currently have to launch TPControl as if you were cold-starting.
We have implemented changes to avoid TPControl being forced closed in iOS8, so these will be posted in the coming weeks.