Rs232 Duet modules and serial servers
Hi all, we have a system where there are some projector with rs-232 control. They are far from the controller, so we choose to use ip to serial server.
We the duet modules on Amx site: they work well if we use a "true" netlinx device (like 5001:1:1) as comm port, but we have no idea with the IP port. It looks like that the duet module NEEDS a "true" device, not a socket.
We found that problem with every other duet module that use an rs-232 port.
Does anyone have solved this?
Thank you!
We the duet modules on Amx site: they work well if we use a "true" netlinx device (like 5001:1:1) as comm port, but we have no idea with the IP port. It looks like that the duet module NEEDS a "true" device, not a socket.
We found that problem with every other duet module that use an rs-232 port.
Does anyone have solved this?
Thank you!
This should probably work unless the module does something stupid after a couple of failed com attempts in which case you might need to open the socket immediately and just deal with the nacks or errors you get when the module sends the port config commands to your device when it goes through it's dev online event code.