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AMX for industrial control?



  • mpullinmpullin Posts: 949
    No thanks. It's not worth it to try as recursion is clearly the best way to handle that task. But I believe it to be possible.
  • HedbergHedberg Posts: 671
    That's something that I do on a daily basis -- manipulate binary trees in Netlinx.

    I've experimented with recursive functions in Netlinx and have had bad results. I don't think the subject of recursion is discussed in any of the AMX literature or training. I just assumed that it was not supported or "buggy" and moved on.

    Actually, I think I remember what I was up to: somebody wanted to know how to calculate a nlog in Netlinx and in response I tried to write a recursive function to calculate the log based on a series expansion. The recursion kept blowing up so I just did it with a loop (as I recall). Looking at it again about a year ago, it seems that there was probably an easier way to do it, but then, something totally unimportant came up and I got distracted. Probably something like calculating the nlog of a negative number.
  • jweatherjweather Posts: 320
    a_riot42 wrote: »
    Try and write a function that prints the nodes in a tree iteratively. The only way to find your way back up the tree is through the call stack, using recursion.

    The non-recursive solution uses an explicit data structure (a stack) of nodes to traverse, rather than keeping that information on the call stack. In pseudo-code, for pre-order traversal:
    push root node on stack
    while (stack is not empty) {
      pop node, print node
      push node->right, push node->left

    As stated before, recursion is never the only solution. You can always simulate the effects of the call stack using your own variables.
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    The other thing you have to watch for that can throw off timing is while loops. They will happily run forever, not allowing anything else to happen while doing so.

    I so badly want AMX to give us an idle() function ...
  • a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    jweather wrote: »
    push root node on stack
    while (stack is not empty) {
      pop node, print node
      push node->right, push node->left

    How would that work if you didn't know the depth of the tree in advance?
  • jweatherjweather Posts: 320
    a_riot42 wrote: »
    How would that work if you didn't know the depth of the tree in advance?

    Use a dynamic stack in languages that support it, or make it big enough to accomodate the largest possible tree. If you're talking about NetLinx, it sounds like a depth of 15 would be more than the call stack can handle anyway.
  • a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    jweather wrote: »
    Make it big enough to accomodate the largest possible tree.

    How big is the largest possible tree if you were to iteratively print file names starting at a root directory? I have to do this for a project but can't think of a way to figure that out at compile time in order to declare my variables.
  • jweatherjweather Posts: 320
    a_riot42 wrote: »
    How big is the largest possible tree if you were to iteratively print file names starting at a root directory? I have to do this for a project but can't think of a way to figure that out at compile time in order to declare my variables.

    Use a dynamic stack, or figure out what your deepest possible tree is. Windows path names are limited to 260 characters, so 150 directories deep would be impossible.
  • a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    jweather wrote: »
    Use a dynamic stack, or figure out what your deepest possible tree is. Windows path names are limited to 260 characters, so 150 directories deep would be impossible.

    I don't have a dynamic stack unfortunately, and it has to be OS agnostic.
  • jweatherjweather Posts: 320
    a_riot42 wrote: »
    I don't have a dynamic stack unfortunately, and it has to be OS agnostic.

    If you really can't come up with a reasonable upper bound for the depth, you could use parent pointers to go back up the tree instead. By keeping track of the previous node you looked at, you can tell whether you're coming or going:
    node = root; prev = null;
    while (node != null) {
      if (prev == node->parent) { // came from parent, or starting from root (root->parent==null)
        print node
        if (node->left) next = node->left
        else if (node->right) next = node->right
        else next = node->parent
      } else if (prev == node->left) { // came from left child, go right
        if (node->right) next = node->right
        else next = node->parent
      } else if (prev == node->right) { // came from right child, go up
        next = node->parent
      prev = node; node = next
    Adapted from: http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=600456 This is a pre-order traversal again, but can easily be adapted for different orders.
  • a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    jweather wrote: »
    If you really can't come up with a reasonable upper bound for the depth, you could use parent pointers to go back up the tree instead. By keeping track of the previous node you looked at, you can tell whether you're coming or going:
    node = root; prev = null;
    while (node != null) {
      if (prev == node->parent) { // came from parent, or starting from root (root->parent==null)
        print node
        if (node->left) next = node->left
        else if (node->right) next = node->right
        else next = node->parent
      } else if (prev == node->left) { // came from left child, go right
        if (node->right) next = node->right
        else next = node->parent
      } else if (prev == node->right) { // came from right child, go up
        next = node->parent
      prev = node; node = next
    Adapted from: http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=600456 This is a pre-order traversal again, but can easily be adapted for different orders.

    That's still reasonably elegant when dealing with a simple binary tree. But it gets very ugly quickly with more complex types of trees especially when adding/deleting nodes or rebalancing the tree.

    Its trivial to replace the call stack with variables as you have shown. But there are still times when an iterative method is so complicated and ugly that recursion ends up being the only way. That was my whole point. I wasn't trying to say its always the preferred way, in fact I said I avoid it like the plague except when there is no other (reasonable) way. I would likely never use recursion in an embedded system unless it was dead simple like when using small, balanced binary trees of known maximum size and even then, the compiler would likely convert it to iterative code anyway.
  • jweatherjweather Posts: 320
    a_riot42 wrote: »
    But there are still times when an iterative method is so complicated and ugly that recursion ends up being the only way.

    This is the only part I disagree with you about... recursion is never the only way. The most elegant way? Frequently. The fastest way? Sometimes. The only way? Never.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,740
    Limited recursion depth can be a difficult issue.
  • AuserAuser Posts: 506
    Now that's what I call a dynamic stack :D
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