diagnostics - viewing outgoing strings
I'm really sorry for the dumb question but how do I view outgoing strings and also view variable values. It doesn't have to be at the same time, I just can't seem to figure out either right now.
Thank you.
Slowly but surely things are starting to work in this house
Thank you.
Slowly but surely things are starting to work in this house

Watching outgoing strings (or any other behavior for that matter) can be done in Diagnostic>Netlinx Device Notification Options.
enter the device : port : system into the window and whatever messages / status you want to se and click the enable check. A watch window will opoen to view those things along with a time stamp of when they happened.
There are also a bunch of programming things you can do too. You can place SEND_STRING commands to device 0 and watch for them in the MSG window of a terminal session to the master. This is helpful for seeing stuff in a function or stack_var or local_var values.
The pieces are slowly coming together but I keep hitting little walls to climb over... it's picking up a bit though and I'm not being pressured very much by my boss, he knows it's challenging to pick back up after a long time and there's no way he can do it. Also, every day or two I show him something shiny.
Ahhh, the true secret to good programming.... diversion