Netlinx not finding include files
I have a workspace with 3 systems that all share some common modules and includes. If the first system is active, I can re-compile the modules, but in the other two, they complain about not being able to find my includes, so I need to switch back to the first system to compile. The Include files are in workspace/includes and the modules are in workspace/modules.
What would be the proper syntax to the include statement? In the working system I just have:
which works
it seems like it should be one of these
INCLUDE '../includes/FOO_Include'
INCLUDE 'includes/FOO_Include'
INCLUDE '/includes/FOO_Include'
But neither of those work either, nor do they work with backslashes.
What would be the proper syntax to the include statement? In the working system I just have:
which works
it seems like it should be one of these
INCLUDE '../includes/FOO_Include'
INCLUDE 'includes/FOO_Include'
INCLUDE '/includes/FOO_Include'
But neither of those work either, nor do they work with backslashes.
I'm in the habit of right click -> compiling modules that I'm editing as I've seen the behaviour frequently. I've never used paths in #INCLUDE directives, having them in the workspace tree for the system *should* be enough for the compiler to find them you would think.
It's not possible to make it put the compiled files into a sub directory is it? .tkn and .src and .tko for every module and system makes the workspace directory so untidy.
I keep my modules in separate dirs. i.e. \modules\<modulename>\
I also put my include files there.
Also I have no issues with the include files when they're in those dirs.