Using Keyboards to Dial on Tanberg C60
Hi all.
It's late and my brain has stopped functioning for to day, and i wanna make sure i get it right when i start up tomorrow.
I'm using keyboards to dial on a tandberg c 60.
the string to tandberg looks like this:
It's the first time i try this and i'm out on deep water so i would appriciate if you guys could please help me with the coding aswell. like an example.
Thanks in advance.
It's late and my brain has stopped functioning for to day, and i wanna make sure i get it right when i start up tomorrow.
I'm using keyboards to dial on a tandberg c 60.
the string to tandberg looks like this:
SEND_STRING dvTandberg, "'xCommand Dial Number:xxxxxxxxxxx Protocol:h323 CallType:Video',$0D"i need to put whatever thats typed on the keyboard and put it in this string. I also changed the look of the done button to look like dial, how can this be used to create the string and dial in one push?
It's the first time i try this and i'm out on deep water so i would appriciate if you guys could please help me with the coding aswell. like an example.
Thanks in advance.
The key to this is editing the name of the text button, then using a STRING event handler. Whatever gets typed will be sent as a string on port 1 (you can't change the port, sadly), with the name of the text button tacked on the front. The default name is "KEYB-", so if you typed in 12345, you will get a string event with the DAT.TEXT saying "KEYB-12345." That is why I rename it by device, so I can parse out which device I got that event for. After you test for the correct prefix, you strip it out with REMOVE_STRING and parse and format as necessary. Keyboards and keypads all work the same; it's just a matter of what buttons are available.
I'm Not getting anything on that port, i've changed the name from _keyboar to keyboard dial to separate them from eachother.
Any of what i'm doing wrong?