Sharp IR Codes Document Attached
Attached is a document that I received from Sharp for IR control of some TV models. On the second page is a chart or IR commands. Does this makes sense to anyone? I would like to turn this into usable IR file.
Attached is a document that I received from Sharp for IR control of some TV models. On the second page is a chart or IR commands. Does this makes sense to anyone? I would like to turn this into usable IR file.
Any help appreciated. Thanks.
Kevin D.
Please shed some light if you could.
First hex column is the device ID, the second is the command ID. You would download makehex and edit the sharp.irp file to change the device number to either 1 or 17 (01h and 11h are the only two devices used in the PDF). Change it to 1 and type 'makehex -h sharp.irp outputfile.txt' Change the sharp.irp to device 17 and run the same thing again to a different output file.
That will give you all 255 commands available for that device. The -h outputs that in hex. Drop the first byte (1) from the command column and match up the commands. IE, the file will have commands 1-FF, so for ON/OFF (01-116), look in device 1 text file for command 16.
Or you can just download the two files I all ready made for you.
Kevin D.