Standard Channels Documentation

I am looking for a document with a list of the standard module channels for use when writing my own Netlinx modules. For example, channel 9 is toggle power, channels 24 and 25 are for volume ramping, channel 252 is data initialized, etc. I am able to piece some parts together from AMX supplied modules but would much rather have a single document with everything in it.
The standard levels and commands would be great also.
I found a document once but it was extremely long. I am looking for basically a table with the number and associated function. Does this exist?
The standard levels and commands would be great also.
I found a document once but it was extremely long. I am looking for basically a table with the number and associated function. Does this exist?
Such a document may exist somewhere (a quick search of tech notes doesn't reveal one), but provides a definitive list of the standard channels and levels.
You could dump this into Excel and do a data -> columns on it and then do a sort and filter to produce the table you're after.