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OT: tastekid.com

Off topic time....
Given the nature of our career fields here, I know many of us enjoy music, so I thought I'd share a site I just found called tastekid.com that helps you to find musical artists similar to others you enjoy. It's pretty cool, you just enter an artist you like and it will pull up suggestions for similar artists as well as providing info about the other artists. It's like the suggestion list from slacker.com, but with more info.

Anyone have any other similar (better) sites they would recommend, or other cool sites for that matter? Grooveshark.com is another really good site to check out if you listen to music while you're working.



  • hmmm, even cooler than I thought. Apparently if you type in a musical artist, there are other tabs for movies, books, etc. I typed in the name of a musical artist, then clicked on the movies tab and it suggested movies I might enjoy since I liked that musical artist. The movie suggestions were good ones too.

    You can also type in a movie name and find other similar movies that you might enjoy. Very cool.

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