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IR output SEVERELY delayed using SP

Has anyone else had problems using the SP commands recently? I have an NI-4100 with one IRS-4 card. Outputs on both the master and the card work fine when pulsing the output channels, but using SP or XCH both result in severe delays in the commands being sent. There is a delay long enough between each pulse being sent to change the channels on the cable boxes. For example, "'XCH 729'" would change the box to channel 7, then a few seconds later channel 2, then channel 9. I tried this through code and using the Control a Device dialog. I played with different CTON and CTOF times.... and I think it just dawned on me... I think I might have been using CTOFF which would give it a VERY long off time.

Yep, just confirmed.... I am an idiot :) I was sending CTOFF.

I am leaving this post to maybe help someone else avoid the same head banging :)



  • Love it.. Amazing how many problems can come from one misplaced character. Thanks for leaving it.

    So that was what, 70ms delay?

    Kevin D.
  • Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    It was a 7 second delay between commands :) Anyone that has confusion about treating a CHAR as an INTEGER would do well to understand why send_command dvIR,"'CTOFF',3" set the OFF time to 7 seconds instead of .3 seconds :)

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