NXD-500i goes into setup by itself
in AMX Hardware
My client has now twice mentioned that her in-wall NXD-500i was in the setup screen when she went to use it.
I don't have vnc or telnet forwarding active through the router and there aren't any savvy teens in the residence.
Has anyone else experienced this.
Thanks, Rich
My client has now twice mentioned that her in-wall NXD-500i was in the setup screen when she went to use it.
I don't have vnc or telnet forwarding active through the router and there aren't any savvy teens in the residence.
Has anyone else experienced this.
Thanks, Rich
Highly doubt it's the cause, but might be worth putting on your list of possibilities.
You can try disabling the front panel setup access and see if it still happens.
Kevin D.
Either way - you definitely need more details from the client, such as when it's happening. Does the panel wake up from motion? If so, is she seeing the setup page right when it wakes up or when she's using it? Does she see the proper page for a few seconds prior to seeing the setup page?