Turning off all of the LEDs on a NI-3000
I want to turn off all the LEDs on a NI-3000. I have tried the 'LED-DIS' command but can't get this to work. I have tried this on port 1 and also specifc ports and still no joy. Is there some trick to get this to work?
Kind regards,
Kind regards,
To turn off the STATUS/INPUT/OUTPUT LEDs: SEND_STRING 0,'LED-DIS' ('LED-EN' turns them back on)
To turn off all of the other LEDs: SEND_STRING 5001:1:0,'LED-DIS' ('LED-EN' turns them back on)
If you do this manually via NetLinx Studio Diagnostics->Control a device, remember that when you send the command to 5001, you need to specify the correct system number. You can't leave it at 0.
This is the way I've always done it. I tried the commands but it didn't turn them ALL off...and it's easier to peel back tape if I really need to see the lights to debug something (rare)