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Turning off all of the LEDs on a NI-3000

I want to turn off all the LEDs on a NI-3000. I have tried the 'LED-DIS' command but can't get this to work. I have tried this on port 1 and also specifc ports and still no joy. Is there some trick to get this to work?

Kind regards,



  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    The fool proof method is also programming-free... about 12" of black electrician's tape.
  • It will require at a minimum two separate commands and even then, the LINK/ACT LED cannot be disabled because it is physically tied to the Ethernet interface. The status/output/input LEDs are controlled by the master (device 0) while all of the others are controlled by the device side (normally device 5001)

    To turn off the STATUS/INPUT/OUTPUT LEDs: SEND_STRING 0,'LED-DIS' ('LED-EN' turns them back on)
    To turn off all of the other LEDs: SEND_STRING 5001:1:0,'LED-DIS' ('LED-EN' turns them back on)

    If you do this manually via NetLinx Studio Diagnostics->Control a device, remember that when you send the command to 5001, you need to specify the correct system number. You can't leave it at 0.
  • truetrue Posts: 307
    John Nagy wrote: »
    The fool proof method is also programming-free... about 12" of black electrician's tape.

    This is the way I've always done it. I tried the commands but it didn't turn them ALL off...and it's easier to peel back tape if I really need to see the lights to debug something (rare) ;)
  • yuriyuri Posts: 861
    buy a NI-3101-SIG? :)
  • sijonessijones Posts: 16
    Many thanks for all the replies. I've ended up using a combination of insulation tape and disabling the LEDs.

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