Creating custom reports in RMS
Is there any documentation on how to go about adding your own custom reports into the RMS web interface ?
Amongst others I'd like to add a custom report which combined projector lamp and filter times, and another which does an inventory which reports firmware versions for touch panels as well as Netlinx controllers.
I can do this via SQL directly, however I want them to be available through the existing web interface so as other users can use them.
Also is there documentation on the underlying calculations that are being used for the default reports such as the QoS ones ?
Amongst others I'd like to add a custom report which combined projector lamp and filter times, and another which does an inventory which reports firmware versions for touch panels as well as Netlinx controllers.
I can do this via SQL directly, however I want them to be available through the existing web interface so as other users can use them.
Also is there documentation on the underlying calculations that are being used for the default reports such as the QoS ones ?
Stored procedures and SQL queries are the only way other than exporting data to Excel and creating them manually. We also do not have a publicly available data schema as we change the database as necessary. Part of the problem with reporting things like filters is that they are not standard parameters. We hope to provide access to more custom parameters for reports in the future.