Novara 3000 series ControlPad
Does anyone know how much information RMS can obtain from a Novara 3000 series ControlPad ?
Is it pretty much enabling Control Functions based on the buttons or can you get obtain device status information such as projector lamp hours, connectivity etc ?
Is it pretty much enabling Control Functions based on the buttons or can you get obtain device status information such as projector lamp hours, connectivity etc ?
Not with the current firmware. It is just 1 way communication from cp3000 to the device.
A half-baked product with great potiential...
Looks like things have taken a step backwards as ProCon appeared to do a range of IP control units which had RS232 pass through between the projector and the control pad allowing 'AMX Site Manager' to monitor lamp life and filter times.
Looks like Site Manager 3 will interface with RMS though reporting lamp hours.
Looks like the IP control units are only available as part of EXPerience Kits though.