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How to get feedback string from Clearone Duet module?

I used Clearone Duet module for control 1 converge pro 880T. Every thing is ok. But, I want to get feedback string
from Duet moudule.
If a call came in, I use

Send_command vdvClearone,'?DIALERSTASTUS'

and use

But, I can not get any ring status string from Duet module.

Thanks for help me!


  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    You can't assign an event handler like that to a Duet module. The module takes over all feedback. You need to check the documentation, but generally speaking there is a PASSBACK command for Duet that will cause it to echo feedback so you can do additional feedback functions the module itself doesn't support. However, it has to be supported in the module.
  • HedbergHedberg Posts: 671
    I think that you can do a data_event using the Duet virtual device but you need to use the command: event handler instead of the string: event handler. If you watch in your notifications you will see that the response to your ?DIALERSTATUS query appears as a "command from" not as a "string from"


    ok, you can do this:

    get yourself a telnet client on your computer. WinXP has one built in and it works fine.

    telnet into your master

    watch your notifications in Studio (diagnostics "enable netlinx device notifications")

    enter the command into your telnet client:

    send_command 41001:1:0,'?DIALERSTATUS'

    and you will see the commands to and fro to your comm module. If you want to see what strings are actually being sent back and forth to the ClearOne device:

    send_command 41001:1:0,'PASSBACK-1'

    will probably turn on the device notifications and enable you to parse those strings, if you desire.
  • HedbergHedberg Posts: 671
    I think Dave's right about getting dialog back from the virtual device -- you will probably have to do the passback thing.
  • Thank you very much, I understand !
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