Problem upgrading from PLB-AS8 to AS16
in AMX Hardware
HI all,
I also posted to the Yahoo group because I forgot about this dedicated AMX forum. Hopefully someone may be able to help.
I upgraded to the PLB-AS16 switcher from the PLB-AS8 switcher and the AS16 does not respond to any commands.
If I configure the AS16 exactly as the AS8, should they both work the same?
ie: use only the first 8 ins and outs of the AS16 to match the AS8 ins and outs
Is there something in the programming that should be changed to let my system know I am now using an AS16 and not the AS8?
My code already indicates an AS16 as in use although it was always an AS8 with no problems in the switching
Thanks for any assistance.
I also posted to the Yahoo group because I forgot about this dedicated AMX forum. Hopefully someone may be able to help.
I upgraded to the PLB-AS16 switcher from the PLB-AS8 switcher and the AS16 does not respond to any commands.
If I configure the AS16 exactly as the AS8, should they both work the same?
ie: use only the first 8 ins and outs of the AS16 to match the AS8 ins and outs
Is there something in the programming that should be changed to let my system know I am now using an AS16 and not the AS8?
My code already indicates an AS16 as in use although it was always an AS8 with no problems in the switching
Thanks for any assistance.
The AS8 and AS16 use the same command set and therefore should be compatible insofar as your code is concerned. I am assuming, although you did not say, that you are using it in a Netlinx installation with the AMX module for the primary device interface and that you are interfacing to the AMX module for device control. Correct?
If true, then changing out the AS8 for the AS16 should be an addressing issue. You would need to put the AS16 on the ICSNet bus and then utilize Netlinx Studio to determine the current device ID and then change its device ID to match the AS8 you removed from the system. This would allow you to use the existing Netlinx code without modification to control the new switcher. If you have not addressed the AS16 properly by setting its device ID, that is the likely problem. If you have addressed the AS16 correctly at some point but it no longer appears in the device tree in Netlinx Studio, then the device is offline for some reason and this needs some troubleshooting.
Give us some additional details on what you have done with regards to device addressing, system type and configuration, symptoms of the problem, and any other information you feel is useful and we can figure this out.
I am not at that location to try it until 5:00 PM tonight.
I only physically attatched the device without addressing it.
And no, I have never had the AS16 connected yet, only the AS8.
Thanks alot to both of you for the help.
I did see the AS16 in the online tree I just never addresses it.
Glad to hear the problem is a simple one to fix. The reason I asked the question regarding a Netlinx installation is that if you had been trying to do this on a Landmark system, well, that would have been a lot more fun to solve
- Chip
I took the AMX programmer classes in PA but that didn't really help too much for me. I can do the basics though. And I love using the system.
I have added a few panels and other devices to the system and all is going good. I had alot of problems with the Lutron Homeworks processor locking up my netlinx controller for about 3 months but that was a code problem that I fixed.
Anyway, the problem with the AS16 was the device address which I failed to properly address to match the old AS8, so now all works great.
Thanks, JOE