Xantech IR and NI-4000
in AMX Hardware
Folks --
I'm trying to control a Xantech PA1235, which is one of their multi-channel amplifiers, using the IR ports on the NI-4000. I'm having trouble getting IR commands from NI-4000 to the PA1235.
Here's what I've done.
I've loaded the IRL file onto the NI-4000 and mapped it to port 10 (5001:10:0). I'm using one of the Xantech IRL files from amx.com.
I've run a wire from the second IR port on the NI-4000 to the Xantech Common IR input. I used the common IR input so that the IR commands will act on all of the amplifier's channels.
I get nothing when I pulse volume down command (ie, pulse [5001:10:0, 25])
And nothing when I pulse volume up.
I've tried cycling thru: Set Mode Serial/IR & CARON and CAROFF to see if one of these configurations might work. Nothing.
I also tried using send_command 5001:10:0, "'SP',25" and cycling thru the Set Mode Serial/IR and CARON and CAROFF. Nothing.
Anybody have any experience doing wired IR between the NI-4000 and Xantech equipment? Suggestions?
I'm trying to control a Xantech PA1235, which is one of their multi-channel amplifiers, using the IR ports on the NI-4000. I'm having trouble getting IR commands from NI-4000 to the PA1235.
Here's what I've done.
I've loaded the IRL file onto the NI-4000 and mapped it to port 10 (5001:10:0). I'm using one of the Xantech IRL files from amx.com.
I've run a wire from the second IR port on the NI-4000 to the Xantech Common IR input. I used the common IR input so that the IR commands will act on all of the amplifier's channels.
I get nothing when I pulse volume down command (ie, pulse [5001:10:0, 25])
And nothing when I pulse volume up.
I've tried cycling thru: Set Mode Serial/IR & CARON and CAROFF to see if one of these configurations might work. Nothing.
I also tried using send_command 5001:10:0, "'SP',25" and cycling thru the Set Mode Serial/IR and CARON and CAROFF. Nothing.
Anybody have any experience doing wired IR between the NI-4000 and Xantech equipment? Suggestions?
Each stereo pair of that amp needs to be programmed with an address using a Xantech RC-65 master remote. Once they are addressed, they will respond to IR commands from the appropriate IR code group.
The last time I worked with the PA1235's, I decided my addressing scheme in advance, then learned the functions I needed from the various code groups into a custom IR file. A bit tedious, but it was successful.
ShelbyMo --
Thanks. I'll take another look at the docs, but my first read indicated that I could address all amplifier channels on the PA1235 by sending commands to the Common IR input. I was going to do this for testing purposes just to avoid the Code Groups as a possible cause of problems.
Also, can you provide any advice on how you connected the AMX IR Port and the PA1235 in your installation? Did you use a Xantech Connecting Block or did you go directly to the PA1235 from one of the AMX IR Ports?
Any additional info would be much appreciated.
AMX IR signal to Xantech IR in, AMX IR ground to Xantech IR ground, nothing in between, direct connection to the common IR input. Our system had 2 PA-1235's, and we simply paralleled from the first amp to the second. The AMX IR port was the default configuration, IR with carrier on.
I've attached the IR file used with 12 different code groups of the commands we required.
According to the manual, the default code group for all channels is A0. That is included in my IR file, so you should be able to verify control. Note that you have to send a Mute Off command to bring the amp channels out of standby.
Hope this helps, good luck!
A while back, I had issues with IR control of JVC devices with firmware
v1.00.118 on the NI.
After a few hours of trying new emitters, port configs, etc, I decided to try reverting back to v1.00.115, which made everything work perfectly.
AMX Tech Support has acknowledged IR issues with the fimrware and JVC devices. Possibly, Xantech is another device which has some problems?
I normally dont like to go backwards with firmware, but for this particular project, it was unavoidable to get the system operational.
Big Up to everyone for their help on this issue. Sorry, I haven't posted sooner, but I was in California for a little air combat recurrency training.
Shelbymo, your IRL file was a real time saver. My partner had captured the codes using his Pronto and they were are real mess. (I think he might have been drinking again when he was capturing them.)
Anyhow, I now have multiple Xantech Amp running sound to multiple rooms with volume control coming from PLK-DMS's scattered around the house. The client thinks I'm a genius, but the real credit goes to eveyrbody who participates in the AMX Forum with special props to ShelbyMo & Dave Hawthorne.
BTW, I got everything running with the default NI-4000 settings (ie, Carrier On) and using the "Pulse" command.
Thanks again!
-- JDaggitt