m2m problem?

Hi, have a strange problem where the main master (NI-700) would not see the other NXI-ME260 sub-masters (used for port expansion only; no code running). The main-master shows in its telnet console the others being connected, and also only the sub-masters have the main-masters IP in their url list. All they are different systems (IP .35 main-master is system 35; IP .36 is system 36 and so on), however I only see the main-master system 35 in Studio despite refreshing, etc.
Any hints? Thanks a lot!
Any hints? Thanks a lot!
3: 11-01-2010 MON 21:36:42 ICSPTCP
CICSPTCP Rx connection to has been closed locally or by peer
4: 11-01-2010 MON 21:36:41 ICSPTCP
CICSPTCP Rx connection to has been closed locally or by peer
5: 11-01-2010 MON 21:35:56 ICSPTCP
CICSPTCP Rx connection to has been closed locally or by peer
6: 11-01-2010 MON 21:35:55 ICSPTCP
CICSPTCP Rx connection to has been closed locally or by peer
7: 11-01-2010 MON 21:35:10 ICSPTCP
CICSPTCP Rx connection to has been closed locally or by peer
8: 11-01-2010 MON 21:35:09 ICSPTCP
CICSPTCP Rx connection to has been closed locally or by peer
some more info from the main-master's (telnet) console:
>show route
Show Route Data
Route Data:
System Route Metric PhyAddress
1 1 Dead None
-> 35 35 0 Axlink
36 36 Dead None
37 37 Dead None
38 38 Dead None
39 39 Dead None
>route mode
Command unknown. Route Mode remains Normal Mode
>ping is alive.
>ping is alive.
>show url
No URLs in the URL connection list
on the sub-masters:
>url list
The following URLs exist in the URL connection list
->Entry 0- IP= State=Connected
>show log
Message Log for System 36 Version: v2.31.139
Entry Date/Time Object
1: 11-01-2010 MON 20:22:54 Interpreter
CIpEvent::OffLine 0:1:35
2: 11-01-2010 MON 20:22:54 RouteManager
Offlining Indirect Routes for from System 35 - Complete
3: 11-01-2010 MON 20:22:54 RouteManager
Remote System 39 Offline
4: 11-01-2010 MON 20:22:54 RouteManager
Offlining Indirect Routes for from System 35 - Begin...
5: 11-01-2010 MON 20:22:54 RouteManager
Remote System 35 Offline
6: 11-01-2010 MON 20:22:19 RouteManager
Remote System 39 Online: Route 35 Metric 2
7: 11-01-2010 MON 20:22:07 Interpreter
CIpEvent::OnLine 0:1:35
8: 11-01-2010 MON 20:22:07 RouteManager
Remote System 35 Online: Route 35 Metric 1
9: 11-01-2010 MON 20:19:05 ConnectionManager
Memory Available = 10547624 <12920>
>show route
Route Data:
System Route Metric PhyAddress
35 35 Dead None
-> 36 36 0 Axlink
>ping is alive.
>show log
Message Log for System 35 Version: v3.50.439
Entry Date/Time Object
2: 11-02-2010 TUE 01:39:40 ICSPTCP
ICSPTCPRx1::CloseSocket: Closing Socket
3: 11-02-2010 TUE 01:39:40 ICSPTCP
CICSPTCP Rx connection to has been closed locally or by peer
4: 11-02-2010 TUE 01:39:24 ICSPTCP
ICSPTCPRx0::CloseSocket: Closing Socket
5: 11-02-2010 TUE 01:39:24 ICSPTCP
CICSPTCP Rx connection to has been closed locally or by peer
6: 11-02-2010 TUE 01:38:55 ICSPTCP
ICSPTCPRx1::CloseSocket: Closing Socket
7: 11-02-2010 TUE 01:38:55 ICSPTCP
CICSPTCP Rx connection to has been closed locally or by peer
8: 11-02-2010 TUE 01:38:39 ICSPTCP
ICSPTCPRx0::CloseSocket: Closing Socket
9: 11-02-2010 TUE 01:38:39 ICSPTCP
CICSPTCP Rx connection to has been closed locally or by peer
Nobody uses m2m with security enabled? Looks strange to me...
If so that is incorrect. When you go to place a master in the URL and you either listen or manually add there is a place to add the user and password right on that screen. You need to check the authentication required box.
I removed security from ICSP port 1319 on the main master and now the sub-masters are able to connect... Not very satisfactory however.
The only way I know of to add an entry to the URL is to go to Diagnostics and then URL Listing. Then either Add manually or Listen and then Select to Add. You get the authentication box for either of those.
What do you do?
Within the Diagnostics - Enter URL menu (on the sub-master) I can enter the URL and set login/password, however the connection is always being terminated (by the main-master but being shown as active on the sub-master). If I set the URL on the main-master then it works, however I want it the other way round.
If I uncheck security for ICSP port 1319 on the main-master, then the sub-master can connect to it and everything works again.
The struct has user and password members.
Looking at the Netlinx ref manual, page 113, it seems that there is no entry for user/password when calling ADD_URL_ENTRY:
Page 105 lists the URL_STRUCT as follows:
CHAR Flags // Connection Type (normally 1)
INTEGER Port // TCP port (normally 1319)
CHAR URL[128] // string: URL or IP address
Looks like you found a typo on the Telnet Session code. The message:
Enter Type (Enter for permanent or T for temporary) ->
should read:
Enter Type (Enter P for permanent or T for temporary) ->
If you enter a P instead of just selecting Enter, you will be asked to add account info on the permanent connection.
This is only an issue on Telnet/Terminal interface. As others have shown, there are multiple ways to enter a URL, but I'll get a bug ticket added for the telnet/terminal code. I'll also have tech pubs check the reference manual.
Looks like a bug to me, not only in the manual or telnet console, but within firmware too (using the latest for NI-700 and NXI-ME260 sub-masters).
Try setting the Flags property of the URL_STRUCT to $03 (URL_Flg_TCP + URL_Flg_AcctInfoPresent)
If that doesn’t work try setting the flag to just $02.
>show url
The following URLs exist in the URL connection list
->Entry 0- IP= State=Looking up IP
Did you try a value of 2 for the flags property?
Did you clear out the URL lists before running the code?
What did the ADD_URL_ENTRY function return?
I don't have the reference documents handy right right now so I could be wrong, but I suspect the old ME260 processor does not support ICSP security.