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M2M, 2 "remote" codecs, and 15 rooms

I am taking over a project that is massive. I'm not going to bore everyone with the political side of the project other than to say one contracting company was paid to install and configure everything, and the company I work for was contracted to take over the O&M plus new engineering. So now, everything has fallen into my lap.

Now that the building is online and operational and the customers have moved in, they want changes made to the control system. One such change involves "remote" codecs. There are 2 codecs that are shared between 15 rooms. The way the system is currently configured, if a room wants to conduct a VTC, their camera feed, mic audio, and PC feed are routed to a headend switch. The VTC controlling office then makes the final connection from the headend switch to the inputs of one of the remote codecs. This works fine as is. The problem is, the room conducting the VTC has no control over the codec. If they want to send a PC source instead of their camera source, a call has to be made to the VTC controller office to switch the input on the codec. If they want to send duo video, a call has to be made. This has become problematic. The VTC controlling office is saying it's not their job to sit there and flip inputs on a codec and the users are saying it's too much of a pain to have to go through all of those steps just to send a PC source. That's where I enter the picture. Both parties want control of the codec to be given to the room using the codec. M2M between ALL masters in the building is utilized and the VTC contoller office has the "boss" TP and can control any room at anytime. So all of the masters are already talking to each other. I was thinking the remote codecs could be put in an array and whichever codec is being used in a room, the index of that array would also be passed to that room. I could put a few extra buttons on the TP, like mic contol and input control, and the command controls would be sent to the master physically connected to the codecs, and based on the index of the array, would be routed to the proper codec. Is there a better way to do this? Control would also have to have the ability to be taken away. That way, if room 1 conducted a VTC using codec 1, later on in the day if room 5 started using codec 1, room 1 could not accidentally take control of the codec.

I am thinking the way it should happen, a room will need to conduct a VTC. The VTC controllers office will take that room's feeds and route them to one of the remote codecs (no change from current ops). Once that route is made, the index of the codec they routed to will pass to the room. Once the VTC is done and the codec is no longer needed, the VTC controllers office would break the connection and control over the codec would be taken away. The VTC controllers office is and will always be a human interface that controls all connections and can't be bypassed.


  • I don't know if it's better or not, but you could dynamically combine/uncombine a virtual device on the room controller with the codec's device on the centralized controller. This would insure that once the central controller breaks the connection that the individual room will no longer have any control of the codec. Another advantage is that the room systems don't have to care about which codec they are controlling, making them a bit simpler.
  • That's a good idea. Thanks. I think I was so caught up in the dev array idea that I never stepped back and really thought about it. You're right, that does seem like a simpler solution. I'll give it a shot tomorrow.
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