Remote control of PC power(shutdown) and pc wake-on-lan from Netlinx via IP?
I've read some of the older posts on this subject and im not sure if any of the proposed solutions worked for the pc power off (shutdown) via netlinx? The wake-on-lan via netlinx seems to be a simple task though. Considering the posts on the subject to do this are a few years old, is there a new, simple or elegant soultion to shutting down a pc from netlinx? I have been researching this and maybe the i!-PCLink/Web is the only way to go. I was hoping that I did not have to install this software on the pcs that I want to control power off (shutdown). Anybody have suggestions to do this otherwise?
I'm sure that you could train Netlinx to interface with a more secure shell (SSH?) but I've never done it. If I had to do that, I'd watch putty interface with a SSH through Wireshark and then mimic that in Netlinx. For sure there is a freeware SSH server.
As for wake on lan, I'm not at all sure how that works. I recently found some free utilities by a company called "Radmin" that include a wake on lan utility (client, I guess). You might check that out and see if you can use wireshark to see how it does its thing. Search for free lan utilities and you'll find it. The utility that I am using is "Advanced IP Scanner" which will find active hosts on your network by IP#.
They say the mind is the first thing to go. I forget what the third thing is.
I think one of the most mis-named application AMX has written is i!-PCLink/Web. This application allows almost full control of a PC. It allows you access to many of the Win32 API functions. Including SHUTDOWN of the PC.!-PCLinkWebSetup.exe
To Turn on a computer the only way is WAKE ON LAN. Which is fairly easy. Of course the PC/NIC Card has to be capable of it and it has to be enabled.
DEVICE_INFO on an IP connected device gives me the info for the master.
But the amount of programming effort involved doesn't justify just hardcoding the mac or storing it in a file on the controller.
Guess you could store them in a mySQL database, but again, loads of effort for not much gain in my opinion!